Chapter Ten - Accidents

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"You must be tired now, what with your first summoning," Zack says, "But first, let's get you a new Demoner's uniform. Come on, we don't have all day!"

Then, he faces Ms Krane and bows,"Thank you, Ms Krane, for taking the time with us. Now may we be excused?"

"Yes, you may," Ms Krane says,"I need to document what happened!" She begin scribbling down on a book, licking her lips as she focus writing on the incidence.

The little dragon looks at me curiously and hops on me. It curls around my neck, excited to see the outside world.

Come on! Let's go! The demon says telepathically to my mind, purring with hyperactivity.

I grin to myself. "Let's head off then, where to first?" I ask Zack.

"First, let's head for the tailor," he says, before leading out of the room. I follow close behind him, skipping with gladness. The headmaster's office is at the top floor of the purple tower.

We descend and descend down the stairs. At every few moments, the dragon will look up with curiosity and purr with eagerness.

This is one cute demon, I'll say, I think happily to myself. A smile seems to be plastered on my face.

The demon glanced at me.

You talking about me? It cocks its head to a side. Of course I am! It starts to wave its head down then up in a circular motion as if it is waving an imaginary hair to the wind. Its scales are so smooth and bright as the afternoon sun shown on them.

Soon, we finally reach the ground floor. We take a turn to the left, through the fields of the blue and Violet Demoners, and the red and yellow Demoner's field. All of them seems to look at me, various surprised looks form on their faces, some even whisper to each other, their eyes are still glued on me.

Are they looking at me? What's wrong with them? The demon presses onto me.

I think so, but I'm not sure what is wrong with them though, I thought.

  Soon, we leave the training grounds and enter the village. The houses are made from hard woods, built in neat rows. The village is pack with mostly Demoners and some "ordinary" humans. They wear different coloured uniforms, red being the most outstanding.

  They must be new Demoners, I think, just like me.

  Just like before, the Demoners stare at us at first sight.

  The dragon around my neck coils tighter.

  I don't like the look of this, thinks the demon.

  So do I, let's just try to ignore them, I think hopefully.

  Just try.... the demon thinks dryly.

  "Come on, Joel, we ain't got all day!" Zack waves to me, standing outside a stall house.

  "Oh, sorry," I call out, before jogging to him.

  "Hi, Kim," Zack greets cheerfully.

  "Hi," a woman replies from the hut, standing up from the sewing machine, soothing imaginary creases on her clothes before presenting herself in front of us.

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