Start from the beginning

I landed lazily on the grass, my eyes slowly falling on the strawberry blonde, who covered her mouth in shock, "Stiles! Are you okay?" she questioned worriedly, while I slumped into an upright position. 

"Yeah-" I slurred, stumbling towards her. My arms gripped her shoulders tightly while my eyes surveyed her body, "Are you?"

She nodded, her lips parted slightly in disbelief, "Are you drunk," my eyebrows rose, looking around in search of who she was talking to, slowly I pointed to myself, "Me drunk, me? Am I drunk? I don't know, are you drunk?" I rambled, my arms absentmindedly moved about as I began to wander back towards my house. 

"Stiles, Derek escaped- and we don't think he's just younger in his body. We think he's younger in his mind too." I sigh, no longer standing in front of Lydia but instead my closet. With tired eyes I slipped a red hoodie over my bare chest before discarding my sweat pants for tan colored skinny jeans. 

"So if you're a teenage werewolf and you're scared, where do you go?" I asked, looking towards Lydia expectantly, who seemed to gape at the speed at which I'd arrived in front of her. From behind me, a voice speaks up. "A wolf goes back to its den, the things is Derek lives in a loft. Which I'm sure you're aware of."

I instantly tense, I didn't want to involve myself with him. He made it clear he wanted nothing to do with me, I think as I peer over my shoulder at Scott. I wet my lips, and I see his nose pick up my nervousness, "Not when he was a teenager," I whisper. Realization dawns on them both as I walk quickly into the garage, the two following after me in curiosity.

I halt quickly, turning to face them both and watch as their eyes glaze over in awe, "I'll run ahead, you take the Hennessey Venom GT, fastest road legal car. Don't be afraid to push the speed limit this time either Scott." I see Scott's eyes flicker, as I recall the time Kate chased us while we were in Derek's Camaro. 

"Hold on. Say you do manage to catch up to him? What are you going to say to him? That his whole family is dead?" Lydia asks, nervously biting her nails, as Scott seems to frown. 

"We can't lie to him, remember he can hear our heartbeats rising," Scott warns, and I sigh. Pausing mid step to face them both, Scott continues to speak, "We'll have to tell him the truth, when we find him that is."

With a grimace, I wet my lips, "If he gets to the house first, you won't have to." Scott stares at me, and I suddenly feel an overwhelming amount of heartache. Without lingering much longer my senses spread past my body and I begin sprinting in the direction I knew the remnants of the Hale house remained. 

⟜ ϟ ⟢


I immediately hid behind the cover of the tree line as I watched two deputy's I recognized approach the young Hale. I was going to have to either compel them or let them do as they do and simply rescue him for the Sheriff's department. I mean I could always interfere, I did, after all, hate Haigh with a passion. 

"Excuse me, young man?" Jordan asks as he slowly approached the clearly upset werewolf. He  was sure to know something terrible had happened. I could sense it, the death, as soon as I became close to the premise. 

"You're calling him a young man?" Haigh scoffed, kicking what remained of the building to the side before snarling down at the boy. Jordan shook his head in disgust, growling "Shut up, Haigh." Slowly, a polite smile softened the menacing glare on his face before he turned his attention to Derek, "Sorry, but you can't be here."

Derek's head hung as he looked at his fingertips, a position I knew well; lost. "Hey, dumbass," Haigh reiterated, "You ever hear of no trespassing?" I scoffed from the bush, that was something Derek did know well- or a slightly older and more brooding version of Derek. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2016 ⏰

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