Chapter Fifty-Two

Start from the beginning

She was like that now as she practically ran up the trees. Seconds later, she was by my side, right where she should always be.

I smiled at her and noted the strain around her eyes and the sweat trickling down from her hairline. "Are you okay? How is your back?"

"Fine. Kota made sure I took some pain medication before he dropped me off earlier."

I nodded. Good. She didn't need to hurt any more than necessary.

"So?" I asked. "Why were you running out of your house?"

She bit her lip, her sparkling green eyes dulling a bit. "I did it," she whispered as if trying to believe whatever was going through her head. Her Greek accent grew slightly heavier and I quickly thought I understood why girls tripped over themselves to hear Silas speak. Sang could read the periodic table and I would listen intently just to hear the way the words rolled off her tongue. "I ran away before she could get to me."

My thoughts sobered and my eyes narrowed as I looked at the house. If that step-monster was going to hurt Sang, then I was going to go in there and show her that not all pranks were for fun and laughter. Well, maybe I'll get a good laugh out of them.

A hand touched my arm and I blinked, looking back at Sang. "It's okay. She didn't try anything. Dad was hurt for some reason and she was upset about it and in her room. I ran before she could turn her anger towards me."

I never wanted to kiss a girl so badly than in this moment. So I did.

I pulled her close and pressed my lips against her cheek. I knew she never kissed someone before and I wasn't about to steal it from her, not like this, so I did the second best thing I could. I kissed her cheek, making a big wet smacking noise.

I pulled away, smiling. "You did perfectly, Cupcake," I whispered, eyeing her lips and wishing I could press mine against her. I wanted to feel her warm skin against my lips once again.

Her cheeks were cherry tomato red, her lips parted in shock.

"When your step-monster gets like that, you run. We will take care of you and protect you."

She nodded slowly, her hand going to her cheek, her fingertips brushing the same spot my lips did. I smirked.

"Now come on, let's go prank North before we have to go to Nathan's. His shift just started."

We climbed back down and I grabbed her waist and ignored her little yip as I helped her down from the last branch.

It didn't take long to get back to the diner but when we moved to go in through the front, she stopped and then pushed me against the wall, her body pressed up against.

No way could I hold back the moan, feeling her soft body against me.

She blinked up at me momentarily, her cheeks reddening, before shaking her head and then looking around the corner of the diner. I looked around too, pressing closer to her so I could see.

Two men stood off to the side of the parking lot. One I recognized as Sang's dad, the other an unknown. Without second thought, I pulled out my phone and snapped pictures.

"Who is that?" I whispered to Sang.

She shook her head. "I don't know. He said he needed to go back into work so I don't know why he's here right now."

She was biting her lip, her expression confused.

"Maybe a co-worker?" she whispered, her brows furrowed in thought.

Her father shook his head fiercely and then we both gasped as the man punched him right in the gut. I winced, knowing that had to hurt. A small part of me was glad he was getting what he deserved.

That was no co-worker.

Sang made to move, probably to help her dad.

I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into me.

"No," I whispered into her ear, her delicious sweet scent tickling my nose. She really did make me think of cupcakes. Well, of all things sweet. That was why she was so perfect. I wanted to eat her up so badly.

I shook my thoughts away and focused on what was going on.

"We don't know the situation," I said. "If you just go out there, for all I know the man will just shoot you or something. I won't let you get hurt. Not again, not while I'm here."

I still hated myself for yesterday. I was right there and I couldn't even protect her. That damn Doukas creep had to come in and save us both instead. I couldn't let that happen again. Not when I'm around.


"No, Sang," I said, using my serious voice. I hated using my serious voice.

She stiffened but after a moment she nodded. Smart girl.

Her dad straightened and said something else before the man snapped back at him and then climbed into a nice car. I made note of the make and model. I even got a glimpse of the license plate. Seconds later, the man was gone and her dad was standing there, rubbing his stomach. He walked over to his own car and left soon after.

"Come on," I said. "Change of plans."

I tugged her into the woods and headed to Nathan's. We would have to prank North some other time.

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