When the lunch break comes, I head to Sugar&Spice, the restaurant where I usually meet my friends. Yes, I have friends.

I said so.

Those are people who I hang out with sometimes just to kill time. I am not emotionally attached. I have a bunch of them. People know me around here.

"Hi Laura. ", one girl greets me. I recognize her.

"Hey Lexi. What's up? ", I nod to acknowledge her presence.

"Everything. ", she grins.

My eyebrows raise and lips spread in a well-known smirk. "I smell sex. "

"You always get me! Gosh. "

"Who is it? "

"Ethan and I slept last night. ", she pops her gum as we walk. My mouth drops.

"Ethan as in, Ethan Chris? The guy from your English class whom you allegedly can't stand? ", I laugh.

Lexi covers her flaming cheeks with her palms. "He is so hot, you know?"

"So.. Are you two like an item now?"

"No. Well, we weren't supposed to be. I still can't stand him and we haven't discussed a thing that happened last night. "

"Was he good?"

"What do you mean, was he good? You slept with him two months ago!"

"Oh right... ", I scratch my chin as the faded memory gets its color back inside my mind. I really did that. Although it was short and not very memorable, so it doesn't really count. I didn't particularly like Ethan. I was just hungry for man's body. I truly believe that even a girl has the right to have casual sexual life in this society, and not just guys. It's a little weird that she had the same guy as me though. "Then he probably isn't since I couldn't even remember him. ", I tease and she swats at me.

"Hey. He's gorgeous and he can fuck, okay? Just because you weren't satisfied, doesn't mean I am not either. ", she huffs as we enter S&S.

"Alright. Alright. Geez. Looks like you've got an eye on him, not just his dick. "

"I don't like him. He is no boyfriend material. ", she flushes. I laugh.

"There's no such thing as 'boyfriend material'. "

"Lexi. ", I hear a voice coming from one of the tables. We both look up to see Ethan approaching. I push her towards him.

"Have fun. "

"Don't do this to me, Laura. ", she groans.

"I'm doing you a favor. And I don't do favors for many people, so just accept it."

"Hey. ", Ethan scratches the back of his neck as his eyes wander to my face.

I nod. "I was just leaving. "

My eyes scan the room and in that very moment, I notice Anna in the corner table where we always sit. She is looking at her phone, all alone, and drinking her coffee. I walk up to her.

"Sup. ", I drop my ass to the seat next to hers.

"Hey Laura. "

I rub my head and grab her cup, taking a few sips. "Thanks for that. "

"No problem. You look like a wreck. "

"I am. I wish this day would come to its end soon so I can just go to sleep. "

"I am actually pretty excited. "


"Having a date. ", she puts down her phone.

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