Chapter Twelve - Starubius

Start from the beginning

  "Demons are not allowed unless when needed in class," Captain Lynch looks at me, "So Joel, that is a rare demon you have, but you've got to implant him. Meet me after dinner." The moment he says "dinner", my stomach growls deeply. "And no talking unless if allowed in lessons. Report to class at least five minutes early to get ready, I don't want any complain on these cases. You have been warned," Captain Lynch looks sternly at the circle of students before him.

  The academy's bells begin to ring. "Now it's settled, it's dinner time!" Announces Captain Lynch. The huts around the ring of tables begin to open, showcasing a wide range of food and delicacy.

  Chloe pulls on my hand and says,"Come on, I'm hungry!" Students got off their seats and go around looking for a meal to choose. The wide variety of food is stunning. There were noodles and rice available with a mixture of ingredients. Chicken seems to be the most popular among all ingredients followed by this red sauce called Chilli. We were given coupons for a free meal today. We will be getting pocket moneys every week, so we'll have to spend it wisely, Captain Lynch had told us before he left.

  I order a plate of meal which consists of rice, sliced cucumber, egg and fried chicken. What's more, I even add a thick Chilli sauce! As I carried the plate of food to the table, the delicious aroma fill my nose and my mouth starts to water. I can already imagine it in my stomach. This is a buffet compared to the plain mashed potatoes the orphanage provided.

  Chloe sits on my left. She has noodles with Chilli filled soup. It also has fishballs and cabbage in it. "It's called laksa," she tells me, "I love the spice in the soup!" She takes a deep sip of the spicy soup before releasing a loud exhale of enjoyment.

  Just then a sandy haired boy sits beside me, he ordered a plate of rice with neatly cut chickens on top, covered with a special sauce and a bowl of soup to complete the meal. He place his plate on the table, his eyes shown bright red. He is wearing a red uniform, immediately registered in my mind as a red Demoner. He is surprisingly thinner than me, but below his skin, I can tell that a thin and built muscles are fixed within his flesh. A smile fixed on his brown face.

  His red coloured eyes turns towards me and holds out a hand. "Hi I'm Jason, what's your name?" He introduces with a wider smile.

  I take his hand and shook it, "I'm Joel, how are you?"

"The food's good, the weather's good so I think I'm good," Jason replies, taking a bite on his chicken.

The sky begin to turn dark and before he knew it, it is raining. "Never mind," he grumbles, looking back down to his food. I laugh and turn back to Chloe, who's frowning and looking down at her drenched uniform. Starubius tries to hide from the rain and dodges under the table.

"Aw man, I just got this just a while ago," Chloe groans. I look around and see other Demoners beginning to walk to a smaller than usual hut, where they take out a large umbrella made from leaves.

"I'll get the umbrella," offers a guy beside Jason. He stood up and headed for the hut. He carries the umbrella to the table where he plants the umbrella through a hole in the table.

"Thanks," I say, "What's your name?"

"I'm Lucas, what are yours?" He replies, gesturing to us. He seems to resemble Jason, their matching facial shape and resembling shape of their eye. He is bigger built compared to Jason, his uniform shapes out his broad shoulders and muscled arms.

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