Because you're the Psyche to my Cupid.
And also because... PSYCHE. You're a gal.

First, that was cute. Second, I do not appreciate my manliness being questioned, but I do appreciate the pun.

... anyway. How is Jenna?
It's been five minutes. You'd better be writing a long ass paragraph, Gideon Payne.


Preston Bay only has so many eligible girls.

I'm waiting for someone to get their head out of their phone and realise I'm the one for them.

Awww. That is the cutest thing I have ever seen you say!
Who is it?
Do I know her?
Need any help with getting together with her? I know all the tricks!

... She needs to find out for herself.

Why are you being so cryptic? Oh my goodness.

Now you girls know how we feel when you guys talk your usual gossip.

Do not pluralise me. I am one girl and one girl ONLY.

Woah. Chill. You just have so many personalities it's like I'm talking to 10 different girls when I'm talking to you.

... how am I meant to react to this...?

React to it the way you react to maths classes with me. ;-)

You want me to vomit?

Wait. Nooooo. I thought you liked me!

... um. Ha ha. Very funny...?

Why do you sound so unsure of yourself?

A N Y W A Y !
Did you know I named my matchmaking service 'Cupid's Arrow' after my initials?

Wow. Nice change in subject.

... Why are you on this planet?

I just... I just want to bake cookies.

You bake?

I am unconstrained from society's expectations.

Do you bake cookies to make friends because you don't have a personality?

Stooop. I didn't start talking to you to gain insults to hurt my ego.

Riiiight. Because asking a girl to fix you up with another girl was so much more dignity-preserving.

... god dammit Cupid.

There is no singular god in Greek myth. What type of fake fan are you?

I'm sorry but I don't live in the past.

Ohhh right. Because there is no past for you. Not with that IQ.

I swear I will end you.
Just like that and Cupid is goNE.
Wait where did you go?

You said you wanted to end me. I did you a little favour. How were the four hours without me?

Fuck you.

• • • •

Author's Note
Hey I'm back! Kind of. I'm real sorry for that big ass gap between my updates of this story. Life just got really hectic for me as I'm focusing on studies and all that.

But I'm hoping to write some more soon! But I have no guarantees though. Sorry guys again for the long wait just for this pretty disappointing chapter :( I hope the next one is a little better!

If you liked this chapter, don't be shy to press the vote button at the corner of your screen or comment down your thoughts! It always makes my day when someone comments ❤️

- Lily

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