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The patch of land for us to pitch our tents was pretty big. Several other tents were scattered around the flat expanse and light glowed faintly from them.

"Alright, here we are. Home for now." Gordon presented, waving his hand in the general direction of the land.

"Make yourself at home. You can build a campfire if you want." Gordon explained. "Someone will come get you if you don't wake up in the morning. I wish I could let you all rest longer as you've had a long day, but we really need to do assessments and assignments." He said apologetically.

"No problem, really. We're all grateful for the hospitality." Coulson said, being gracious as ever. Gordon smiled.

"Then I'll leave you to it. If you need anything, just find someone and send for me." Gordon said, bidding us good night. He disappeared back the way we came and I sighed, relaxing the muscles I hadn't even known were tensed.

"Same." Bobbi murmured. I turned towards her and raised my eyebrow.

"What?" I asked, confused by the line.

"I feel the same. I can't feel relaxed around these people. There's something off about them." Bobbi clarified. I nodded.

"I think everyone feels that way." I replied halfheartedly, opening my bag and pulling out the gear to pitch the tent. I made my way over to Jemma, who had the other half of the supplies needed to pitch our shared tent. She had a tarp spread across the ground already and was working on pulling out tent pegs. I pulled the disassembled tent from my pack.

We worked together in silence, working on getting the tent up as soon as possible. I could see my own exhaustion reflected in the shadows under her eyes. The tent was up in what was probably a record time, both of us spurred on by the prospect of being able to sleep once the tent was up. May and Coulson had their tent to one side of ours, Fitz and Mack to the other. I looked around and saw Ward and Trip setting up a tent together, seeing as Trip was the only one who didn't share a tent until Ward showed up. Hunter and Bobbi, of course, were sharing a tent. I rubbed my eyes tiredly as we tied down the tent.

"Alright. Let's get the sleeping bags rolled out." Jemma sighed, grabbing her bedroll. I followed suit, ducking through the tent flap. Jemma was already unrolling her roll on the right side, as per usual. I set up my sleeping bag quickly and ducked outside to grab the rest of my bags and bring them inside.

My eyelids were drooping and my body ached with exhaustion. I pulled off my combat boots and shrugged off my dirty jacket and hoodie, pulling on a slightly cleaner hoodie before crawling into the sleeping bag and immediately falling asleep.


"Skye, time to get up."

I groaned and muttered something incoherent, still half asleep. A soft sigh sounded and I curled up tighter into a ball, my sore body protesting.

"Skye, I need to check on your wounds." Jemma was shaking my shoulder gently. I moaned and peeled my eyes open, blinking away the grogginess.

"What time is it?" I asked, my voice thick with sleep.

"About 6:30." Jemma replied, pulling out a first aid kit. I sat up, rubbing my eyes and wincing at my sore muscles. I slid out of my sleeping bag and pulled off my hoodie so Jemma could check me over quickly.

"Has Gordon come by yet?" I asked, making small talk as Jemma peeled back the bandages.

"I don't think so but Fitz says he heard other people starting off the day so he'll probably be here soon." She explained, probing my cuts carefully.

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