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"What she told you was the truth.." Fellie told them, looking down to the floor as she started.

Fellie's POV

She, Ms. Analote, did cause this phenomenon. But she doesn't have any ill will to any of the people living in this town. She just wants something that can't be granted. But still she believes..

I know that Ms. Analote is waiting for someone who doesn't even exist anymore..but she just wants to become happy, along with her remaining family member, her father.

The most beautiful day that the sun would Set was they day of Mrs. Anna and Young Master Felipe's, Ms. Analote's mother and brother's funeral was held.

She wanted to see the sunset with her family, complete. She's waiting for a person who possesses a healing innocence.

I know very well that there's no such thing such as an innocence that heals and even if there is, there is no such power that can revive the dead. I only received this information from what I heard and searched, but only the Millennium Earl have such prowess.

But..getting in contact with the Millennium Earl would only mean trouble.

If you would ask where Ms. Analote is right now, she can only be at one place during this time. It would only be where Mrs. Anna and Young Master Felipe's graves are located, at the top of the highest and nearest mountain in this town.

I apologize now..Ms. Analote. I know that you wanted me to keep it a secret, even from these exorcist who can help you. But I am only doing this for your sake.

Regarding to what my mother always told me about her story of being a former exorcist, I must never let you meet with the Millennium Earl nor talk about him to you..for it will just cause you more sadness than you already are.

I would rather let them help you even if it will cause you to hate me than make you meet a cruel man that will only manipulate you and bring you to the darkness.

I would want the Ms. Analote I know years ago back. The little Ms. Analote who is always positively happily playing..

And..I wish for them to be able to save her on time. She has been suffering enough for activating her innocence nonstop that I can only thank the gods for making her live despite the amount of power she is using..


When they arrived there they all found the little girl staring at the grave of her deceased brother and mother.

" huff huff..Ana.." Lenalee called out to the little girl as she catches her breath.

But before any one of them could speak another word, the little girl spoke first, telling them that she won't do what they want until the person she was always waiting for comes.

"But Ana. You think that by doing this your father, brother, and even your mother would be happy?" Allen said, shouting a little.

But the little girl insisted onto waiting for the person. Only to be told off by Kanda and Lenalee, trying to convince her that the person she is waiting for doesn't exist.

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