Clue 2

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Huff huff huff huff.......

Why am I running? Who am I running away from? What's chasing after me? Why can't I activate my innocence? I alone? ...where's Allen and the others?

A lot of questions were on Lenalee's mind while she kept on running. Even though she doesn't know what or who's chasing after her, all she knew was that she have to keep on running and nothing else.

But as she kept on running, Lenalee suddenly tripped from nothing, and the thing that was chasing after her had caught her in just a second after she tripped.

When she looked behind her to see who was chasing after her, she saw a dark figure. She tried to escape from its hands and long sharp nails but she couldn't. Her innocence was currently useless. She looked at infront of her and she saw a figure of a white woman standing a mile away from her.

"Help" Lenalee asked help from the figure.

The figure then walked slowly towards Lenalee and then stopped infront of Lenalee. Looking at Lenalee, the woman told her something that confused Lenalee.

" you mean by that?" Lenalee asked the young woman.

"it can't be help, only this once I'll help you" the young woman said, not answering Lenalee's question.

The young woman then stretched out her hand and touched the feet of the one who attacked Lenalee and only one touch of her finger, the dark figure suddenly disappeared.

"H-how did you.." Lenalee was surprise to see what the young lady has done.

"It is my work.. I guess.." the young woman said while helping Lenalee get up.

"Your work? Wait, before that who are you?" Lenalee asked.

"Me? Well I'm Ieris. Ieris Manta." The young woman answered.

" then, Ms.Ieris, what did you mean by work?" Lenalee asked again.

"It was my work to kill those and help people in need. But I didn't think you were one of the people who needed help too." Ieris said, with a slight chuckle.

Many of the young woman's words confused Lenalee. She would ask questions to her and give her an answer but the way she answers them would only give another question to Lenalee. And then suddenly, the woman told Lenalee another words that puzzled her again.

"What?" Lenalee asked confusingly.

"Pfft. You ask so many questions you know. But I'm sorry, I can't answer that. In exchange I'll tell you some clues about the sun." Ieris said with a warm smile.

Lenalee was surprised to hear that Ieris knew who caused the sun to be like that. She asked to Ieris to tell her about who caused the sun to be how it is now but Ieris told her that she can't tell her who the caster was but she can only give her a few clues about the person.

She told Lenalee that the one who got close to them is the one who caused it all. And the only one who can turn it back to normal is the person who caused it and no one else. She also told Lenalee that their time is shadowed for only 2 days remaining.

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