"Good morning to you m'lady." Prompto chirped, slinging his legs over the edge of the window, crossing them as he leaned his frame against the window panel.

"Good morrow to you too. Seriously, you guys are creeping me out now. Mind telling me if this is one of your famous prank wars or you switched minds with a totally different person?" You said, scavenging through your nightstand drawers for a few pain killers.

"Second drawer f-n." Noctis said while gesturing towards it, acknowledging the grimace plastered over your features. 'Really attractive features...' The Lucii prince thought, awkwardly scanning your body.

"Cute tank top and shorts." Prompto stole the exact thoughts of the ravenette.

"Hey! Don't be such peepers." You complained, grabbing the medicine bottle within your fingers.

"You're the one who allowed us in though." Noctis chimed smartly.

You threw back a pill into your throat, chugging down the remaining warm water from your glass propped on your nightstand. You fell backwards onto your bed, massaging your migraine with your fingers letting out a shaky sigh.

"You're not gonna sleep the whole day, are you?" Prompto whined, walking over to your bedside with crossed arms.

You groaned into your pillow, earning a signature eye roll of the raven head.

"Head up." Noctis said, hitting you lightly on the shoulder. You propped yourself up by your arms, glancing over your shoulder.

"Now sleepyhead, wanna go out for a tour of Insomnia with the handsome Prompto Argentum and the Prince of Lucis?" The blonde questioned, his glistening cobalt eyes sparking a twist of curiosity within your conscience.

"Sure, but afterward you both will have to tell me what's happening in return." You answered with a raised eyebrow.

"Fine then. Though, nothing is stirring up." Noctis spoke in addition, jumping slightly off the side of your bed.

You narrowed your eyes suspiciously at the two blue eyed males. 'What are they up to?' You thought, lazily hobbling to the bathroom to change out of your sleepwear.

Time Skip to Mall Food Court
"Say ah~" The cute blonde chimed, inching the fork closer to your lips. His other hand hovered a few inches lower in case a few scraps of the food would fall.

"I can feed myself you know." You complained, hastily picking the handle of the fork between your fingers.

You muttered incoherently underneath their warming gazes, chewing quickly before swallowing it whole.

"How is it?" The raven haired male asked with a tilt of his head.

"Good." You grumbled with a lowered head.

"Hmph, told you she'd like it." He chimed confidently, mainly directed towards the blonde head sitting across from him.

"So! I-I bet she'll like the ice cream I bought!" Prompto retaliated, wrapping a toned arm around your waist. A tint of red bloomed on your s/c cheeks at the close contact between you, coughing into your hand before tilting your head upward.

"Maybe a movie can shut you guys up." You suggested with an eye roll.

They nodded in unison, each of them looping an arm around your forearm. Despite gazing straight ahead, you could sense the venomous glares thrown behind your back.

Time Skip to Movie Theater
You couldn't pay attention to one bit of the movie, sitting in the back row seats in almost complete darkness. Popcorn kernels and Nerd candy pieces of different colors continued to be chucked back and forth, lounging between the two competitive boys. You sunk deeper into your chair, running your palm over your face in a desperate attempt to disguise yourself from the other movie viewers harsh glances.

Noctis x Reader x Prompto ~One-shots\StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now