Swimming Trip

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[Picture of Jenny's clothes and swimsuit in media.]

"Hmm..." Stephen kept staring at Kayla as she talked a bit with Cici. This is kind of awesome. All we need is the other friend. I think her name was Simone, or something like that.

"Wow your sons look... I don't know the word but... They look like you when you were in high school--" Cici was trying her best to find the perfect word for Kayla's sons.

"Bad ass?" Kayla asked with a smirk. "Of course, they get that from me." She chuckled.

"I see." Cici adjusted her glasses. She then noticed Stephen checking Kayla out. "Stop your drooling." She smacked the back of his head. Stephen fell on the ground and winced in pain as we all tried our best not to laugh.

"Idiot." Carter said. Cici stared at him.

"That your son too?" She asked Kayla as she bends down and smiled.

"No. He's not mine."

"He's my brother." I said.

"Your brother?" She looks up at me.

"Well we found him abandoned in an alleyway." Logan said as he hugs him. "So we thought, why not keep 'em?" They both grin and laugh.

"Alleyway? Where were your parents?" Cici asked him. Now that I think about it, we've never asked him about his family. All he said was that he had no family. I wonder what happened?

"..." He said nothing. He kept quiet and stared at the ground. What was he hiding from us?

"Carter, tell us about your family. What happened?" I asked.

"T-There... Was a fire... And..." His tears starts to fall down his cheek as he quickly wipes it away. Logan hugs onto him tightly.

"It's okay, Carter." Kaz said bending down to him. "You don't have to talk about your family right now."

"O-Okay..." He said sniffling. I stared down at him with pity in my eyes. He's such a good kid though.

"Where are your parents?" Cici then turn to face me. I glared at the ground making a fist. I knew that if I talked about them I would lose my cool so I also kept quiet.

"Why are you asking so much questions?" Kaz glared at Cici. "Sometimes you have to mind your own business." He gave her a smart remark. Cici stared at him with her eyebrow raised.

"Kaz--!" Kayla picked up her arm to smack Kaz but Cici stopped her. She held onto her hand while staring at Kaz.

"It's okay. He's right." She let go of her arm and let it slide. "Well, Kayla I have to go now." She gave her a hug and left out the door. "Stephen make sure you're home by dinner time." She gave him this warning look before taking another step further out. He just stared at her walk out the door.

"I should be going too. You guys stay out of trouble now." Kayla said as she smiled and walked out to.

"Jenny..." Carter tugs onto my shirt. I bend down and stared at him. "I want to tell you guys what happened..." he said sniffling.

"Are you sure?" Bennet asked as he also bends down.

"You know you don't have to." Logan said placing a hand on his back to comfort him.

"But I want Jenny to know. I want all of you to know..." He said. I nodded my head up and down as he told me what happened.

*Flash Back*

~ Carter P.O.V ~

"Happy birthday son !" My mother shouts in excitement. I was super happy. We weren't rich but my mother still bought me a cake with the little money she had.

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