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Chiron had called me, Nathan, Annabeth, Piper, Jason, Hazel, Frank, Leo, Nico, Reyna, Calypso, Travis, Conner, and Thalia, who's staying at camp for a year, to the big house.

"Why'd you call us here?" Leo asked, "as a thanks from the gods, they decided to send you to school, as a reward." Chiron said, all our jaws dropped "what?! That's more of a punishment than a reward!!" Leo yelled.

"Sorry, but that's final, now go pack as soon as your done you leave, you won't need to pack much Aphrodite was already planned your wardrobe" we nod and leave, I went back to my cabin and started to pack our valuables, I put some of my punk/emo clothes in just in case Aphrodite didn't get my style right.

I put my black and silver bracelet on that had spikes to match my personality, if I press the silver jewel it turns into my twin daggers, death and war.

I walked out of my cabin, suitcase in hand, and saw the others, already packed and waiting.

Once they saw me, they were ready to go. I dissolved into shadows so I could catch up with the rest, I reappeared next to Nico, who looked at me then smiled a little, I did the same.

"Is everyone ready?" Annabeth asked, we all nodded.

I could tell she was excited to go, she hasn't seen Percy, in almost 5 months, since the war with Gaea. Percy and I are really good friends, he's like a big brother to me, I'm like the sister he never had.

"How are we gonna get there?" Leo asked, everybody looked at me and Nico, I just turned into shadows again. "She needs to stop doing that!" Leo yelled, "Leo, she's still getting used to us, I mean she was trapped in Tartarus for 3 years, C'mon Ivy you can come back" Annabeth said, I reappeared "how come she listens to you?" Leo asked, "because we helped her out of Tartarus, and she helped us survive."

"do you think you can teleport us there?" Hazel asks, I nod, I do sign language to Nathan, I can talk but I don't like to, so I do sign language, I only talk to Nico, Percy, Annabeth, and Nathan.

"She says, 'where to?'" "Where ever Percy's school is" Annabeth says, I nod and snap my fingers. Teleporting to where ever Percy's school is.

Percy POV
I was at lunch, talking to some of my mortal friends, when I hear: "hey Percy~" I sigh, and turn around to meet Brooklyn, she was wearing make up that made her look like a clown, and wearing clothes, that seemed a bit to tight for her.

"What do you want Brooklyn?" I ask annoyed.

"Can't I just come visit my boyfriend~" she says, "Brooklyn I already told you I have a girlfriend" I say, she scoffs and leaves.

"When are you gonna stop saying that?" One of my mortal friends, Zach asked, "stop saying what?" "That you have a girlfriend" Zach states.

"I do! We met at a summer camp" "whatever you say Percy" then the bell rang "see ya Percy" "see ya Zach" I say, before leaving for my next class.

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