Hera left not long after Jason filled his plate. As she left, she didn't speak a word. Thalia chuckled, her mouth stuffed with waffles. For some reason, she loved to make Hera mad, even if it made her life living hell. Jason ignored his sister's humor, digging into his food.

The other end of the table was reserved for King Zeus, who normally wasn't present at the table in the morning. The king seemed to always be busy with one thing or another, leaving very little time for family. Though Jason and Thalia were used to a small amount of time with him.

Jason finished his food and made his way to his dad's office.

"Good luck!" Thalia called after him, her mouth not full of food anymore. Jason smiled, picking up the pace.

He stood in front of his father's office five minutes later. Without a moment of hesitation, Jason knocked on the door three times. Zeus called him in upon hearing the knock.

Jason entered, taking a seat in the blue armchair in front of the desk. He was smiling as if something good had just happened. Zeus, thinking he knew the answer, brought up the topic he had called his son in here for.

"Well you seem happy today," he pointed out. Jason nodded. "Is it a girl?"

And, just like that, his mood turned sour.

"No. No it's not."

"Oh," Zeus mumbled, slightly disappointed. "So, if it's not a girl, then I assume you aren't dating Reyna."

"No, Dad, I'm not."

"Then you won't be liking this conversation," Zeus warning. Jason sat up in his chair, bracing himself for what his father meant. "Hera and I have been talking lately."

"Oh, gods," Jason mumbled. Zeus chose to ignore his comment.

"And, as you know, Thalia is next in line for the throne. I've accepted the fact that she chooses not to date or to get married, but you, on the other hand, will have to marry some day. I'd like you to start looking for potential maidens that you could marry."

Jason's jaw dropped. Was his father really asking him to get engaged already? He was only sixteen. There was silent for a few minutes. Zeus waited for his son to say something. Finally, he managed to find his voice.

"So, what you're saying is that I need to get married because Thalia won't? Really?"

Zeus averted his eyes, nodding.

Jason huffed, standing up and pacing around the room. Zeus watched, picking up where he left off.

"Your sister has already chosen you to take her place if something does happen to her. Traditionally, it would be her spouse, but she made it clear she won't marry or even date. Not after what happened to Luke," he paused. A silence passed over the both of them, think of what had happened to Luke. Zeus took a deep breath before continuing. "So, when it is time for you to take the throne, I'd like for you to have someone in mind. A girl, preferably."

Jason sighed, running a hand through his hair. He stopped moving, now facing his dad. "Does it have to be someone from the upper class?"

"No. It can be a commoner."

"Does Hera know that?"

"Well," the king rubbed the back of his neck. "Not yet, though I don't think she'll mind."

Jason thought about it more, only getting angrier. Eventually, his father dismissed him. Jason left the room, gently shutting the door even though he wanted to slam it. He took a few deep breaths before walking down the halls of the palace aimlessly. Thalia found him after a few minutes and asked about that they talked about.

"Marriage. Succession to the throne," he paused, before saying the next one. "You."

"Oh," Thalia muttered.

Jason went more into depth, leaving out the part with Luke. He didn't want to his upset his sister and get into an argument. After he finished explaining, they were standing in front of the doors to the palace.

Jason sighed, looking out the window. "I'm going for a walk."

"Where to?" his sister asked.

Jason shrugged, heading to his room to change. He was still in his pajamas. "Somewhere that isn't here."

Both kids knew what that meant. It met disguises.


So there's Chapter 2 for you guys. 

I'm not sure how many you  guys read my Solangelo fan fic Two Odd Princes, but, if you do, you might have read the author's note at the end of Chapter 14. Ring a bell? Probably not. I don't know many who actually read this, but if you do, good for you. You know what's going on then.

If you don't know, here it is.

Next month is National Writing month. I plan on dedicating that whole month to writing original stuff. That means I won't be writing fan fiction during that time period. Don't worry, though, I'm hoping to write a few more chapters for next month. There's won't be much, unfortuenatly, but it's better than nothing. And anyone who's concern about Two Odd Princes, I suggest you go read that author note for answers and ask your questions there.

There will be a Halloween short story that I will be posting to go along with Two Odd Princes that include Jason and Piper. It'll be coming out the 31st, so if you're looking forward to that, make sure you check it out.

Comment and vote if you want. I can't make you, though :)

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