Nine: Where Everyone Is Getting Some (Except Her)

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'If every word I said could make you laugh/I'd talk forever'-Forever, Beach Boys

Charlie's P.O.V

I arrived at Misty's at 5:24 in the morning when the sunlight was still bleeding into the nighttime.

With only three hours of sleep fueling me, I believe it was safe to say, at that point, that at least sixty percent of my bodily fluids had been saturated with caffeine. And the remaining forty percent were on their merry way to dilution.

Today was the first day of the Prank Wars and I'd be damned if I let Worthington get ahead of me. Sleep was for the weak, anyways, and such sacrifices were necessary when it came to saving face in front of your arch-nemesis.

Which was why I was standing under Misty's porch with a bag slung over my shoulder filled with items that were definitely meant to be kept out of reach of children.

I had my foot stationed at the gas pipe which lead up to her room, only to see my vision blocked by someone's boxer clad ass already sliding down and nearly landing on my face.

Someone's extremely tight boxer clad ass.


At first he didn't notice me, dusting himself and adjusting the pile of clothes that was hanging off from his arm. I had no doubt that he had spent the night at Misty's judging by his unruly appearance, shirtless torso, the numerous pink marks scattered over his neck and what I could only assume were indentations of Misty's fingernails.

His jeans and t-shirt were amongst the rumpled pile of clothes he carried and his other hand balanced his sneakers off from the tips of his fingers.

I cleared my throat loudly.

Josh immediately jerked and faced my direction, his eyes widening almost comically at being caught red handed.

"Hate to interrupt your walk of shame, bud, but you're sort of blocking the way." I gestured to where he was standing, the pipe trapped between him and the wall.

"This isn't what it looks like." He said, his cheeks reddening almost imperceptibly as he defended himself.

I raised my eyebrows and cocked my head, "I know you're screwing my best friend, Kenton. If you're afraid I'm going to rat you out to her dads then you're in the clear. All I'm concerned about is whether or not your going to scurry off and tell Worthington about this." With that I pointed to the firecracker that was lousily peaking out of the pocket of my backpack.

He sighed in relief, most likely at the fact that he wouldn't have to deal with the wrath of Misty's two overprotective fathers. But then his gaze flickered to the contents of my overloaded bag that were just about near to spilling out.

"You know," he said, "None of us care nearly half as much as you think we do about your's and Darius' rivalry. You and him..." He stopped himself and lowered his gaze, shaking his head slightly. I waited for him to continue but I guess that was the end of his speech as he simply slipped on his t-shirt over his head and turned and left.

I didn't waste too much time contemplating his behaviour. Josh was the quiet sort, he didn't push himself into a situation if it didn't call for it and the only thing that startled me about him was that he had chosen to comment on the what was going on in the first place.

Instead, I supported myself up on the pipe by latching on to it's bars and pulling myself upwards. When I made it high enough to hang by the railings of her porch, I swung myself sideways and climbed over the railing.

I guess gym class finally played off.

Misty's window was wide open, creaking ever so slightly whenever the wind thrust against its glass panes.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2016 ⏰

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