"WE NEED HELP HERE" Chip screamed as Simon laid Harry on the ground. He opened his eyes again as he held his stomach, he felt so nauseous.

"do you feel sick?" Tobi asked Harry who just nodded, there were people walking over as Harry was on the ground, struggling to breath and his neck and arms were slowly turning more and more red.

"Chip was nausea a symptom?" Simon asks as Chip opens his phone again

"yes" Chip said and Tobi turned Harry to the side to open up his airway. But Harry was getting so close to pass out, he was starting to gasp for air. There were a lot off people around him that were trying to help. But then came a doctor who had been jogging by

"what happened here, I'm a ER doctor" the doctor said

"wasp sting"

"anaphylaxis shock?" he asked

"is that like a allergic reaction"

"that is a severe allergic reaction" he said as he bent down next to Harry

"can you tell me your name?" he asked and Harry tried to talk, but his throat was closing up so fast so he just shook his head, the doctor took his pulse and he was looking at his watch to count

"his name is Harry Lewis and he is 19 years old" Simon told him

"is this the first time you've been stung by a wasp?" he asked and Harry nodded

"show me on your fingers how hard is it to breath, 1 not hard to 5 can't breath at all" he said and Harry held up 4 fingers

"good job kiddo, how long has it been since an ambulance was called"

"about 5 minutes maybe, they wanted us to get him to the car park, but he collapsed here" Tobi said

"lets get him up, I will carry him" the doctor said and Simon helped him stand up with Harry in his arms. The boys followed behind him as he walked quickly to the car park and he laid Harry down on a bench.

"is it getting harder to breath?" he asked as Harry was gasping for air, he just nodded.

"want me to call your mom?" Tobi asked and Harry nodded again.

"where are his parents?" the doctor asked

"in Guernsey, he is from there"

"do you know if he has any other allergies?" the doctor asked the boys

"no" they all answered at the same time so the doctor turned to Harry to ask him, but at that moment Harry lost consciousness.

Simon, Tobi and Chip where freaking out, Harry had passed out, he looked very bad, he was red and his throat was swollen, so was his tongue. He was barely breathing. Then they finally saw the ambulance, two guys where quick to jump out.

"where is the patient" the asked

"over here" the doctor said as he lead them to Harry

"how long has he been out"

"for about a minute, he is still breathing, but barely, he is having a allergic reaction to a wasp sting" the doctor informed the paramedics.

"are you a doctor?"

"yes, I was just jogging when I saw them calling for help" he said then the paramedics looked Harry over

"let's get him in the rig so we can work on him" one said to the other. Then they helped each other carry unconscious Harry into the ambulance and put him on the bed, strapping monitors on him to keep an eye on his blood pressure, breathing and heart rate.

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