"Like money?" 

"More like power" 

"Well why would they help you escape?" 

"I'm no use to them locked up" He said, "they want me to suffer for failing, that's why you're in danger too." 

"Why me?" I asked. 

"Because I care about you" He said causing me to blush. 

(Third Person POV)

The Avengers except Thor all sat around a table in the Helicarrier. Fury had summoned them again. 

"What's Fury going to do about Loki" Steve asked. 

"If I were Fury he'd be dead" Natasha said bitterly. 

"Bit harsh don't you think?" Bruce said calmly. 

"Harsh?!" Tony exclaimed, "After what he did in New York he should be thankful he's still alive now!"

"Well he'd be more use to me as a lab rat" Bruce said defensibly. 

"Well who is that girl with him all the time?" Steve asked. 

"Avery Reids, 27, nurse in NYC downtown hospital, currently on leave" Natasha recited, "she's been with Loki for months now. We don't know why but we assume Loki forced her to help him or he's using her for something" 

"I'm going to disagree on the 'using her' part" Tony said. 

"Why?" baton asked, "Its Loki, why else would he keep her around?"

"Love" Tony replied. 

Bruce almost choked on the water he was drinking. 

"What?" Bruce exclaimed.

"First night Loki was here he kissed her while she was asleep" Tony explained.

"Creepy..." Natasha said disgusted. 

"So assuming he likes her, then we could use her against him" Clint offered. 

Fury walked in the room at that time. 

"We will not be using Ms. Reids against Loki" He said, "now I called you here to decide Loki's fate" 

"I thought that wasn't up to us," Bruce said.

"Its not, but I decided to know what you guys think" He said, "now keep in mind that since Loki's returned he has done absolutely nothing wrong"

"He attacked dozens of SHIELD agents!" Natasha cried.

"That was self defense though," Steve said.

"What now you're defending him!" Natasha cried standing up. 

"Ms. Romanoff, sit down" Fury ordered.

She did as she was told.

"Why isn't Thor here, he's one of us?" Steve asked.

"Thor's answer is obvious" Fury said," Loki's his brother he would try and protect him" 

Steve nodded.

"I have spoken to Thor's father and he's confirmed Loki is only here by his orders" Fury informed the avengers, "now Odin also knows Loki is not welcome here on Earth, and therefore has granted me permission to do what I want with him, not that I needed his consent anyways, but he's isn't opposed to anything we chose to do."

"Kill him then" Natasha said simply.

"Maybe he's changed though" Steve offered, "Everyone deserves a second chance" 

"He. Doesn't" Barton said angrily. 

"Odin knew he wouldn't be welcomed here but he sent him here anyway and he just gave us permission to kill this bastard if we want to" Natasha yelled, "I say lets get rid of him!" 

"I say we keep him locked up and watch him for now" Steve said in a softer tone of voice than Natasha. 

"We can't keep him here forever" Bruce said, "but for now he'd be rather useful for my experiments in gamma radiation" 

"Enough about your experiments they wont get rid of the hulk!" Natasha yelled angrily. 

"ENOUGH!" Fury yelled, "I called you here to discuss this like civilized people not yell at each other like children, what happened to that team you were back when Loki invaded New York?!" 

"He's right" Tony muttered.

"Yea, I'm right, now get your act together!" He ordered. 

"I say execute him" Natasha said. 

"Second that" Barton said after.

"What do you have against him?! Geez, everyone makes mistakes!" Tony exclaimed. 

"A better question is what don't I have against him" Barton retorted, "He messed with my head and put all of us in danger,  he got hundreds of people killed!" 

"When I look at him now, I don't see that bloodthirsty monster he was before" Tony admitted, "I see someone whose lost and needs guidance. Instead of killing him and stooping down to his level, I think we should help him find a better way and change"

"I'm with Tony" Steve said. 

"Yea" Bruce said quickly. 

"Fine but I don't trust him" Natasha stated.

"Majority rules Clint, we wont kill him" Steve said. 

"Wonderful, an agreement" Fury said sarcastically, "now what do you want to do with him if not kill him"

"I don't know, jail time, community service..." Bruce started.

"No, too easy" Natasha interrupted.

"I think he should be kept in SHIELD kind of like a consultant" Tony said, "he's got a dark side, he knows what criminals would do, that could prove to be helpful during missions or something" 

"You got a point," Clint muttered still not completely agreeing with keeping him alive.

"What of the girl?" Natasha asked.

"She can continue her training as a SHIELD agent" Fury said, "she held a fugitive in her home she could do time for that or stay with us, we'll let her decide" 

"Wouldn't Loki have access to top secret information if he stays with us?" Clint asked.

"You five are in charge of keeping an eye out on Loki. I want no mischief from him" 

"You realize he's the Norse God of Mischief right?" Tony said humorously 

"Dismissed" Fury said ignoring Tony's comment and leaving the room.



Yep, i said this ould be posted this weekend but im feeling nice and happened to finish editing this now, so here you go.

thanks for being patient and thank you so much for your support! 

Rememeber to vote and comment!!

Green Eyes and a Mischievous Heart (Loki Fan fiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें