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(Loki POV)

I magically changed my appearance to look like a child as I walked through the woods.

If there were any hikers or anyone watching they wouldn't recognize me in this form. 

I liked this form because it made me feel like I had the huge weight I've been carrying would disappear a bit as a child.

Children posses an innocence that disappears when they grow up.

I walked on the twigs and branches on the ground. I figured Avery would still be angry with me because of last night argument. 

Everyone leaves sooner or later. It's inevitable. A monster like myself can't love or be loved. Care a little maybe, but never love.

Who could love me? 

I'm nothing more than a fallen god with no place in any realm.

I deserved the throne but Thor was always the favored one. I should have realized years ago he would be the one to be king.

I was a foolish child to believe I was loved. Odin merely cared, he didn't love me. I was to be used to unite Jotunheim and Asgard. That was my sole purpose. 

Not rule Asgard or be loved by my own family. 

I heard a few twigs snap near by. 

 I hid behind a tree as my child form was quite small and easy to hide. 

To my surprise Frigga came out from the undergrowth.

She looked my way. I came out slowly.

"I know its you Loki" She said sweetly gesturing for me to come forward.

I crossed my arms and changed back to my normal self.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I had to see you" She said with sorrow in her eyes.

She walked up to me grabbing my hands.

"I missed you my son" She said.

I closed my eyes.

"How did you find me?" I asked 

"Heimdall, but your father doesn't know I'm here" She said. 

"He's not my father!" I snapped instantly regretting yelling at her.

"Then what am I?" She asked hurt.

"You..." I didn't know how to answer that.

"Am I not your mother?" 

I looked down at the ground. 

"'re not" I finally said.

She turned around as a tear fell down her face

"But you're the closest thing I've ever had to one" 

(Frigga POV)

I had to see Loki again. Asgard just wasn't the same. I didn't want to lose my son again. He was my son no matter what he thought or what Odin said. 

"I raised you and I cared for you, I gave you my love" I said gently, "Does that not make me your mother?" 

He looked to be lost for words.

"Even if not by blood"

Loki fell to his knees. It pained me to see him so hurt.... so broken.

"I want to go back" He croaked as a tear rolled down his pale face.

Green Eyes and a Mischievous Heart (Loki Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now