Act 22: Lovino's Loved Ones

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It started as a trip to pick up the advertisements for the show but a few overbearing hints from the Vargas family patriarch and the brothers could humor him no longer.

"Why do you even need us? You have another grandson! Valentino is more than willing to fill your shoes!"

Romulus groaned and massaged his temple. "He is off on another strange quest with his friends in Australia. But that is beside the point! I spent my life building an empire for you boys and here you don't even want it!"

"We want to make our own way, nonno," Feliciano explained, not as fiery as his brother but no less adamant.

After refraining from speaking, Kiku sensed the mood and stepped in.

"Pardon me, Vargas san, but if Feli chan and Lovino kun are rearry not interested then I feer that it would not be in the best interest of your company to pursue them further. If they do not want the job they wirr not be good for the job."

Kiku's calm demeanor seemed to have defused some of the tension and Romulus sighed.

"I suppose your right. I still think you would be better off working with me, but fine. If you want to waste your lives in this circus, then go ahead."

With one final wave of his hand, Romulus stomped out. The tense air leaving with him, Kiku turned to the brothers.

"Sorry for my interference. I wirr come back rater for the posters."

Kiku bowed and started for the door but Feliciano stopped him.

"Don't be silly, Kiku!" Although obviously exhausted from fighting, Feliciano gave him his usual warm smile. "I will get you the posters."

Feliciano took the cylindrical container resting in the corner and brought it to Kiku.

"Ah, arigatō, Feli chan."

Kiku took the rolled poster papers out of the container and held up each one to inspect it. He studied the beautiful layered images. Each one featuring different performers. From their black and white bears and their tamers to Antonio swishing his cape as Cachorro barreled through it.

"These are amazing, Feli chan," said Kiku, looking up at Feliciano.

"Grazie," Feliciano smiled humbly, rubbing the back of his neck.

Kiku slid the posters back in their protective cylinder.

"I wirr take these to the printers. Sayōnara." Kiku bowed slightly and Feliciano walked him to the door, waving to him as he went out.

When the door closed Lovino dropped onto their small couch.

"When the circus gets back on its feet, let's take a break from here for a while."

"Si, this is hard," said Feliciano, sitting beside him.

They sighed as they melted into the couch. They stayed there for a while and Lovino tried to think of a way to forget his troubles. Maybe a nap or a good plate of pasta. Or both? At the same time, visiting Cachorro's paddock crossed his mind. It was hard to be in too bad of a mood with that Spaniard smiling so much.

Feliciano sat up. "I'm going to find Luddy. Seeing him always cheers me up."

Lovino snorted at the similar idea.

"Fratello, don't be like that. He really is a good guy. Trust me."

Lovino crossed his arms and mumbled, "You said that about the last one too and he left you."

Lovino saw the hurt flash across his brother's face and he sighed.

"Just forget I said anything. Go play with the dumb potato eater," Lovino grumbled and Feliciano jumped up, "At least this time I can be there for you."

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