"If you would stop and listen to me for once in your life I wouldn't have." Liam contradicts.

"This is what you do Liam. You push me away!" I tell him.

Liam steps closer to me but this time I don't step back. "I don't push you away. You run. And every time you run away from me you run strait into the arms of that arse face Max!"

I still. Max has nothing to do with this...with us, but here is Liam bringing him up. "Don't speak of him like that Liam. Max is a friend. A good friend. That actually likes me." I defend him.

Liam begins to laugh. "It didn't seem like he liked you the day he didn't show up to your house." I frown at the memory. Me in my favorite dress, Max not showing up, the beach... Liam. "I was there when he wasn't, but you always run to him when the going gets tough."

Anger runs through my vains. He is adding insult to injury. "I could say the same to you!" I feel my eyes begin to water. I am a shell of a person. "You clearly don't care towards the feelings of others Liam. All you care about is yourself. I don't know why I even bother."

"I don't either." Liam and I stare at one another without a word spoken. We are too angry to speak. He believes I am to blame for our messed up...relationship? Whatever this is between us.

"Take me back to school." I order him. It's the least he can do.


"No buts Liam. Take me back." I interrupt him. I need do get away from him. I should just have listened to my dad and brother. Liam is not for me, I have to accept that.

"Fine." He sighs.

I try to ignore the small part of me that begged for him to make me stay with him as we walk up to his motorcycle. He really doesn't give a shit.

Maybe I was just suppose to be another name on Liams' list. Not maybe, you were suppose to be on that list. My subconscious never fails to make things worse.

Getting on behind Liam, I don't hold him as tight as I had done before. I'm finally seeing clearly. Liam and I would have never worked. Even no matter how much I had wished we would it was just not meant to be.

Liam has a different world from mine.

Pulling up to the schools parking lot, Liam drops me off next to my car. I don't want to say goodbye. My eyes are watery from all the emotions coursing through my body.

I open my mouth to speak but no words come out. Liam doesn't look my way again as he maneuvers his way out of school.


My mind is clearly not up for school at the moment. I had made it just in time for my third class but I already have been asked about my whereabouts for my morning absence. I had told them that I had over slept, and they quickly let it go.

I am not too keen on attention. In all honesty I hate it. I know for a fact some students saw me leaving school with Liam and I'm grateful that they have kept their mouths shut. The last thing I need is for people to believe I go around.

"Where were you?" Gwen asks as we take our usual seats on our table.

"I was no where." I really don't want to talk about. Especially not here.

"Look I can tell you're in a sour mood but I gotta tell you that little miss Sophia is trying to get your spot as captain on the volleyball team." Just what I need. Sophia is the co-captain of the volleyball team. In all truth she's really good but she's not captain martial. "You have nothing to worry about though. Everyone on the team prefers you." Gwen beams.

"I'm sure they do." I glance over at Sophia. Damn! She is pretty. She's one of, if not, the most prettiest girls here. I don't know what she has against me, because I have nothing against her.

The rest of the day continues on like normal. As I sit in Chemistry, I can't help but look over to the empty seat besides me. I guess Liam will be dropping chemistry now. I wish he wouldn't, but it would be for the best.

We both have to wake up now.

Walking out of chemistry I head to the locker room. Volleyball will get my head off Liam for a while at least.

Changing into my Spandex and pink tank top, I tie my hair back and head into the big gym. All the girls are already there warming up. Joining them I begin to stretch as well. Soon Coach C approaches us, a list in hand. "Ladies I have here the votes for captain and co-captain. I'm sure you all voted wisely. So without father a do your co-captain is Sophia Smith, and your captain is Lesly Fuentes." The girls give us a round of applause, and I thank them for choosing me as captain.

After practice, I am the last to leave the lockers but before I do, I hear two people enter. "Look I don't care if she's captain. She will not tell me what to do. I'm a better player than she will ever be." I know it's Sophia.

"What do you have against her anyways? She's a nice girl." The next voice speaks, who I believe is Miley aka Russia.

"It's just that-"

"Ow!" I slip. Crap! I run out the back door before they can catch up to me. That was such a fail.

Walking over to my car, I bump into someone and we both drop our things. What is with me and bumping into people?

Looking up I'm speechless. Fuck.


Sorry for long wait! I tried to make it as long as possible. Does anyone mind telling me how many pages I wrote? I bet it's not much. Just to let you know I have nothing against Sophia. I actually like her!

Vote? Comment? Next update soon :)


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