Chapter Twenty (New Chapters)

Start from the beginning

She felt so absolutely humiliated, a heaviness on her chest unlike any other. First, getting caught intensely staring at him, then tripping and literally being held in his chest. There was one word in her mind that overpowered everything else, all reason in her mind. And, she acted on it. Flee. she hurried away from him to his surprise, hurrying out into the hall, ignoring the calls of her name as she ran from him. She ran as fast as she could pass the people, trying to control the tears falling down her cheeks. She would hide from the world, from her flaws, issues, and her doubts. Somehow, this boy made her emotions fly all over the place, bringing out the best and the absolute worst in her, she no longer had control of her mind when he was with her. And, collapsing onto a vacant bench, her face in her hands, trying to control her outburst of emotion she had to accept what had happened right under her nose, under her tight watch, and pray that it wouldn't happen.

I, Blakelyn Collins, have feelings for Lucian Black.

God, am I so screwed.

Not only had she found herself liking a boy that she would never be good enough for, but now it was two. And the reality of her unworthiness hit twice as hard. But, there was no time to accept that, there was no time to thoroughly think about that or debate it. The demands of life would always get in the way of healing. And so, she wiped away her tears, getting up from the bench and heading into another store, doing what she was told to do, what her priorities dictated. She would immerse herself in something else to hide from what she didn't want to face, at least, until it ate her alive.

She had three bags on her arms when she pulled her phone from her pocket, gasping in surprise at the time, only ten minutes until last period. She inwardly cursed, knowing there was no way she was going to be able to get back on time.

"Hey Sweetheart" a hand on her shoulder had her instinctively jerking away from its grab. They looked older than her, possibly in their earthly twenties, and as she glanced around, she realized there wasn't one, but four of them. Somehow, their aura just screamed trouble in her mind, making every muscle in her body tighten.

"You're all alone aren't you? Why don't you come hang out with us for a bit?" the same one asked, sending a frightened shiver down her back.

"I'm sorry-" she said quickly, backing up a few steps "But, I-I have s-somewhere I have to be" she claimed. Before she could pull away, the one speaking was quick to grab her wrist in a tight grip, keeping her from pulling away

"That's a shame-" his voice smelled of cigarettes, it had an eerily feel to the one of her father when she was a child "Not even a little time?" he asked, a sickly sweet tone. She just knew somehow that she wasn't getting out of this, they weren't just going to let her go. And despite how terrifying the idea, she knew that the way she was going to get hurt the least was to do what they wanted, no matter what actions that warranted.

"Well, I s-suppose I c-could spare a few m-minutes" No one even cares about what happens to me anyway, What difference does it make?I'm sure without me, the world would be a happier placeThe man's grip tightened as he smiled with mischievous eyes, pulling her to walk with them.

"Not another fucking step!" she froze at the voice, and so did the man holding her. Blake turned back, surprised to see Lucian, wearing the shirt with the buttons done up, angrily walking towards them. And at that moment, despite wishing to be something other than invisible most of her life, Blake wished she had the power of invisibility.

"What's it to you?' the guy at her side called back, looking amused by Lucian's anger.

"She's off-limits, you fucking pricks" Lucian responded. Lucian grabbed her other wrist, pulling her to stumble from the grip of the other guy "Go find some low-level sluts to fuck around with!" he pulled her from the boys, walking her down the hall away from them. She stumbled to keep up with his long strides, almost more scared about what Lucian was going to do than what those other guys were planning for her. She had run away from him, ignored him, hid from him, and then decided to go along with those guys, at least for a few moments. Now, it's time for my punishment. She took in a heavy breath, waiting for the assault to come. He pulled her out the nearest exit doors, letting her go to face her. They held each other's eyes for a long moment, and her fear started to grow, trying to read his emotionless expression and waiting for the hurt that was about to come. But suddenly, letting out a squeak of surprise when he grabbed ahold of her, crushing her to his chest so tight she could barely breathe

"Don't ever fucking do that again!" he pulled from her "God, you scared the living hell out of me!" she looked up, still surprised at his demeanor. Now, he seemed more relieved and happy than the anger he was showing just moments before. She was waiting for the moment he would pull a knife, make a fist, and threaten her life. Give me what I actually deserve. 

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