“Peter?” bellowed James from the other end of the common room.

Peter said nothing, and looked away as though he had not heard James, although that was physically impossible owing to the volume of his voice.

James ran over to him.

“Mate, I don’t get it. What’d you do to get the map confiscated? How many times do Pads and I have to tell you not to go at a prank alone. We’re a team, mate.”

Hermione winced as James said the bit about being a team. Professor McGonagall stepped up to him and Peter, and spoke to James in the most severe voice that Hermione had ever heard come forth from McGonagall’s mouth, and they had technically fought in war together.

“Do not be so quick to be trustful of your friends, Mr Potter. Mr Pettigrew here was caught cavorting and gallivanting about with none other than Death Eaters.”

Two seconds of ringing silence descended upon the students at the words, ‘Death Eaters’, as the full weight of what Professor McGonagall said hit everyone.

James looked as if he might punch Peter in the face; and he did, square in the nose.

Dark red blood spurted forth from the place where James’ fist has impacted Wormtail’s face. Hermione chanced a look at Sirius and saw that he looked like he might have wanted to throw up.

Remus was sitting on the other side of Sirius, gripping Estrella’s hand as though he might never let go. Every other student in the room stared at the scene unfolding before them with bated breath, waiting to see what might be revealed next.

“MR POTTER!! 10 points from Gryffindor, we never use physical violence against another student, even if that student will not be so for much longer.”

She gave Peter a contemptuous look, and without offering one word of sympathy, she ushered him from the glares of the other students.

When McGonagall had left for the second time, James let the full force of his anger, and feelings of betrayal, show.


Sirius soon joined in on his seemingly murderous rampage.


Remus did not participate in this cathartic moment, but Hermione noticed that Estrella’s hand was still fixed in his, her other hand resting on his back as she attempted to gauge his reaction to the turn of events.

“I TRUSTED HIM!” bellowed James as he ran over to the portrait door from which Peter had just left from.

Remus let go of Estrella, immediately running over and restraining him, knowing full well what might happen if James got hold of Wormtail. Lily was sitting nearby and also ran over to help.

For the most part, the older students went into a state of shock. They knew how close the Marauders were, and they how much of a big deal this was, especially the part about an enemy being in their midst. The younger students, who did not understand looked on in wide-eyed shock at the scene that was so out of the ordinary for anyone in Gryffindor.

Hermione still had her hand clamped onto Sirius’ shoulder, but she could feel his muscles tense and twitch under her hand. She put her arms around him in a hug, hoping that that would keep him placated until they could get James under control. Feeling as though Sirius could cope with himself for a couple of minutes, Hermione went to help Remus and Lily with the still struggling James.

After many consoling words, Hermione, Remus and Lily had been able to calm James down enough, so that he would not run after Peter and tear his limbs off him. They sat him down next to Remus. He sat there, staring into space, not knowing what to think or what to feel about this monstrous betrayal.

“Sirius, are you okay?” asked Hermione.

Sirius nodded mutely.

“Are you really?” probed Hermione.

“I don’t know,” said Sirius shaking his head, “I think I need some air.”

Hermione watched him stand from his seat, his facial features swaying between a completely blank and impassive look, and one of complete loathing and revulsion. He turned his head towards Hermione and spoke in a low but calm voice.

“I would like it if you came with me,” he said to the complete surprise of Hermione. She immediately jumped up from her seat and followed him into the twilit grounds.

When they were out of the stuffy confines of the common room, Sirius felt himself to be more able to reflect on that afternoon’s events.

“D’you know what scares me the most?” Sirius asked Hermione. He rubbed his thumb gently on the back of her hand as their fingers intertwined between them as they walked.

“What?” asked Hermione, genuinely curious about what could have been worse than finding out that one of your best friends was a Death Eater.

“The worst thing is all those people who were expelled today: the Death Eaters. They’re free now. They can go and do Voldemort’s bidding if they want to and are of age. Heck, they can do it even if they are not of age. Which ministry official would be game enough to get them into trouble?”

Hermione gulped at the truth of Sirius’ words, wondering what would indeed happen in the coming months.

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