Hermione noticed that Sirius and her own relationship was not the only thing progressing slowly.

Remus was still yet to ask out Estrella, however, Hermione had caught him staring at her in class a few times. She could always tell when he was thinking about her because his head would loll to one side and his eyes would become unfocused and pensive.

‘They would make a cute couple,’ mused Hermione internally as she felt Sirius’ thumb running gently over the back of her hand, ‘all they need is a push in the right direction.’

However, at this moment, the most important things to her were getting the map finished as soon as possible, and the boy who had permanently attached himself to her arm: Sirius.




“Would you come over here for a minute? We want to show you something.”

Hermione put down her textbook and exam study guide for the first time in several hours. She followed her brother’s voice over to where he and his friend’s were sitting on a burgundy-coloured sofa.

Sirius moved over slightly in his place to make room for her to sit down. She acknowledged his non-verbal invitation and took her place, waiting for further instruction.

James looked around at the small group, making sure he had their full attention before continuing.

“Gentlemen, and lady, I have the extraordinary pleasure of introducing the one, the only, the Ultimate Map of Hogwarts!”

He thrust out the many layers of folded parchment for Hermione to critique, the others having been heavily involved in the makings of the map; therefore, it was not a surprise for them unlike for Hermione who had had only perfunctory input.

Hermione’s vision was slightly blurry from having focused her eyes at the book for so long, and she had to take a minute to get her eyes for focus again. However, when she did, she was greeted by none other than the Marauder’s map, albeit with a different title.

“I don’t mean to criticise, but really it is extraordinary magic, but you couldn’t think up of a more catchy name then ‘Supreme Map of Hogwarts’?”

“Have you got any better ideas?” said Remus from his position on the other side of Sirius.

“Well, yes,” said Hermione matter-of-factly, “I do have some other ideas.”

She began to list a few.




“Prowler’s Plot?”


“Marauder’s Map?”

This was followed by a full five seconds of silence as the boys looked at one another.

“That could work,” said Remus slowly.

“It is kind of catchy,” conceded Sirius.

“All those in favour?” said James with a humongous smile on his face.

All individuals raised their hands.

James waved his wand over the parchment several times, muttering unintelligible words under his breath as he worked. The previous title was erased and it was replaced with its rightful title.

“There we are: The Marauder’s Map,”

The burgundy ink shone as though it were freshly applied and still wet, despite having been manipulated by magic and involving no fluid at all.

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