Giggles and Stutters (TBS)

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"She's great," Will put in. "She's super fun and brings out Thomas' more outgoing side. He's definitely more reserved than Dylan and me... But when she gets around he just gets all hyper and she gets him shining all his dorky colors in all their glory."

Dylan nodded. "She has this light and this smile that's really contagious. She has a gift of cheering everyone up and getting everyone laughing and smiling, no matter their bad mood. She can also get really serious and emotional too, though. Like a big sister who acts like a mom. Fun and cheery but also comforting and supportive. She has this insane ability to see how people feel, know what they need, and then giving it to them."

Thomas was excited now. "She's an amazing actress too!" He gushed, sitting forward. The other two boys leaned back, smirking, knowing they'd got him going now. They were both trying to get the two together. Thomas was reserved and Y/n was very unsure and self doubting so she never saw such a gentleman and a genuinely good guy going for her. Now she would see exactly how he felt.

"Really?" The interviewer prompted as Thomas paused.

Excitedly, Thomas nodded. "She brings the character she plays alive in the craziest ways. And she can go from zero to a million with a snap of her fingers. A lot of actors need some kind of build up, or at least prefer it as they work better under it, but she doesn't need one at all. She just takes what she has and GOES with it. It's incredible, like magic! She's gifted beyond something I've never seen before. And goodness she's gorgeo-" He stopped, snapping his mouth shut suddenly. His eyes were wide and Dylan and Will were covering their huge grins. This was far better than they'd even dared to anticipate.

"Gorgeous?" The interviewer offered.

"I mean - see - when she gets really into it, she gets this glow about her. She loves acting and she loves to bring the people from the pages and into real life for the viewers . She tells us about how she was a little girl watching her favorite characters come alive and it gave her this drive to do the same for others. When she talks about things she loves, and especially when she does the things she loves, she just... glows." He cleared his throat nervously. "It's very, um, unattractive." He made a face, realizing he'd said the thing he was trying to avoid. "Yeah." He lay his face in his lap, burying his blush and idiocies between his legs.

"AWWWWWW!" Dylan and Will gushed at the same time.

"Does she know that you feel this way about her?" The interviewer asked mischievously.

"We're just friends," Thomas groaned, looking up. "I'm very proud of her and think she deserves everything she has and more. She's... she's great."

"He better stop talking now, before he digs himself in a further hole and makes a total babbling fool of himself even more than he already did," Dylan says, patting Thomas on the back. The interviewer, Dylan, and Will all laughed, then moved on.

Thomas was relieved when the interview finally ended and he was allowed to sink into the privacy of the car. But then he felt anxious about her reaction and sat there for a very long time. Until she texted him.

Can we meet up?

Why? He texted back.

Dylan and Will told me about the interview. It was live. I watched it because they were so freaked about it. I just think we should talk. In person.  :)

Oh crap....

Sure. Yeah. usual spot?

For sure. See you in a bit!

When they did, a very nervous Thomas got out of his car. But he didn't even have time to look ver Y/n or over think about it. Suddenly Y/n rammed into him, the second his car door was closed. her arms wrapped around his neck and her lips were on his. His eyes widened then he melted into her. She leaned back and their eyes met. "I didn't believe them," she gushed. "All the times they told me - I never thought - but I like you, Thomas. Like a lot. And - I mean you kissed me back and I know that was really crazy and sudden but I was wondering - see I wanted to - um, maybe -"

He cut her off, kissing her back. he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close. When they pulled back this time, their foreheads rested against each other and both were grinning. "I would love to," He answered her. "Date you. Work with you. hang out more. Kiss you all the time. Whatever. I would love to."

She smiled. "Great," she whispered.

"Cool," he added.

They both laughed, faces as red as tomatoes. No one was happier the two had finally got together.... But I can't say anyone was at all that surprised either.

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