Stressed Out (Thomas)💜

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I pulled my hand through my hair and went over the equation again. No, this wasn't math. I WISH it was math. This was science, the child of the devil himself. I couldn't remember all the formulas and the stupid little differences between this part of the cell and that part. I hate science! Ugh!

   Someone knocked on my door, which was open, to get my attention. "Hm?" I hummed in response without looking over, overly focused on the work in my lap.

   "Your mom called me and told me to come over and help you." I looked up and saw my best friend, Thomas. I quirked an eyebrow. He grinned, hands flying up to motion to my expression. "That was my reaction too. I was shocked she even had my number, honestly, but you've been stressing about this coming test forever apparently, and she knew that I helped you last test. So... Yeah." He shrugged.

   Nodding, I found my lips curving into a tired smile as well. Thomas' presence always made things better. "Oh. Cool. Okay." I pat the spot next to me and he sat down.

He scooted close to see what I was doing. Looking over my work, he chuckled darkly. "I hate this stuff so much," He mumbled.

   "Thank you!" I groaned as I leaned back in my chair in defeat.

   He thought a second. "Make it fun. Make it something you can remember," He suggested.

   "What do you mean?" I asked, looking at him.

   "Well, turn the formulas into a song. Or... I don't know. Give it something that makes it easy for you to understand. Knowing you, I would turn it all into a catchy tune and sing it." He shrugged, looking over at me.

   My eyes went wide and my lips parted in excited awe. "That's genius! Why didn't I think of that?" I rubbed my face.

   He gave a soft little teasing chuckle. "You need to start thinking better," He teased.

   "You need to start looking better," I shot back without even having to think. "Not going to get any girls that way."

   "I get all the girls," He protested.

   This turned my mood a little dark. "All the girls? Or all the whores?" I mumbled, suddenly not as in't the back and forth. It was true, he did get a lot of girls. A lot of them were either very temporary or after some idea of him or his popular standing. It drove me insane to see them try to use him... especially the rare times they succeeded.

   "Bad mood much?" He asked, nudging me.

  His voice knocked me out of my thoughts and I shrugged. "I get grumpy when I do this stuff, man," I excused. I let out a heavy sigh for good measure. This wasn't the time for this topic of conversation- I had something else of actual consequence to handle.

   His shoulder nudged mine, his gaze trained on me and his smile wide in an attempt to cheer me up. "I like it. It's new. And hilarious, honestly." He laughed.

   I rolled my eyes, but his grin was contagious as usual and I had caught it. The warm up turn of my lips gave me away. Unable to retort, I just changed the subject. "Let's get back to studying, shall we?"

   He nodded. "So..." And we took each formula and turned it into a little jingle. I'm not going to lie, it was fun. Hanging out with Thomas was always fun. His blond hair kept sweeping into his eyes and he brush it away. I found the old urge to brush it away for him, like back when I liked him...

Oh great. This again? Can't I just move on? I should be able to have friends without-

I internally groaned.

TBS ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora