"Don't play with my feelings."

Start from the beginning

"Shhh, let me hold you, Sweet One." Sinbad purred before capturing Nessa's lips in a passionate kiss.

Nessa was being consumed. The force of emotion behind King Sinbad's kiss was tremendous. With the kiss, he expressed his possessiveness and obsession with her. It was as if he was trying to make her a part of him. At this rate, Nessa could do nothing but succumb to him.

The beast within Sinbad purred in pleasure as Nessa's body relaxed and she fell deeper into his kiss. Now his little Beauty would know who she belonged to. Her body and soul belonged to him!

Nessa's arms came to wrap themselves around his neck as the kiss deepened further. Little by little, she was giving her soul to this beast.

"He is known as the Womanizer of the Seven Seas, Nessa. Do not let your guard down."

Nessa's eyes shot open as Lucca's words rang through her head.

What was she doing?

She was acting like all those swooning girls she despised.

"N-No!" Nessa yelled ripping herself from Sinbad's embrace. Sinbad sat frozen in shock for a moment.

Why was his Beauty running?

"Sweet Beauty...."

"What's the name of the play you are putting on, King Sinabd?"


"Please don't play with my feelings," Nessa whispered as tears began to form in her eyes. She had already lost a bit of her heart to this Beast and she was afraid to lose anymore. Then without another word, Nessa turned on her heels and dashed from the garden. Sinbad remained frozen in shock. His Beauty had run away. A sad sigh left his lips as he rose and began to return to the reception.

"Please don't play with my feelings."

"I'm not playing, Sweet Beauty. I will make you mine."


Sinbad watched Nessa exit the kitchen later that night and made his move.

"For you, Sweet Beauty," Sinbad smiled presenting Nessa with a single white rose. Nessa cautiously accepted the rose. It was very beautiful.

"My King, I...."

"Please, call me Sinbad or Sin," Sinbad interrupted.

"Sinbad, I already asked that you don't play with my feelings."

"I'm not playing, Sweet Beauty."


"Nessa! It's time to go home!"

Sinbad's jaw clenched as the annoying voice of the Jeweler interrupted his time with Nessa.  

Kill! Get rid of him! He wants Beauty!

Sinbad suppressed the urge to listen to the dark voice and destroy his rival for he knew that the Jeweler was special to his Sweet Beauty.

"Lucca, you didn't have to wait for me," Nessa commented hugging her friend. Lucca smiled back at her before glancing up to see King Sinbad. Lucca wrapped a possessive arm around Nessa's waist and glared at the king.

Sinbad's blood boiled. The insignificant insect dared to challenge him! He would have Nessa or no one would. He would kill anyone who stood in his way.

"I didn't feel good about you walking home alone," Lucca explained keeping his eyes on the king. Sinbad knew Lucca was referring to him.

"Nessa, why don't you just live in the palace," Sinbad suggested strolling up to join the two. Lucca scowled realizing Sinbad's motive.



Nessa's jaw dropped as her best friend's voice dripped with venom she had never heard before. And since when did he think he could control her?!

"But, Lucca..."

"I said NO!" Lucca snarled snatching Nessa's wrist and jerking her toward him, "we are leaving!" Nessa whimpered as his grip tightened around her wrist, There was no doubt that a bruise was going to form there.

What was going on?

Lucca never acted like this.

It was as if something dark had possessed him. 

Sinbad grimaced as the voice in his head grew louder.

Kill! Kill! Kill!

"Lucca, let me GO!" Nessa screamed jerking herself free and dashing back toward Sinbad. Sinbad caught her just as her body was about to collide with his. The voice vanished as he felt Nessa's body begin to shake. He could sense her fear.

"Nessa, GET BACK HERE!" Lucca roared. Nessa shook her head and buried herself deeper into Sinbad's embrace. A sense of pride welled up in Sinbad's chest as he realized she had chosen him over the Jeweler.

"She will stay here for tonight." Sinbad declared just as Ja'far and some guards appeared after hearing all the ruckus.

"Is something wrong, Lord Sin?" Ja'far questioned. Sinbad motioned to Lucca.

"Please have him escorted out."

"As you wish." Ja'far bowed.

"It's okay now, Sweet Beauty. You are safe." Sinbad cooed softly stroking Nessa's hair. Nessa's body relaxed at his gentle touch and another piece of her heart was lost to the Conquerer of the Seven Seas.

"I shall have a room prepared for you," Ja'far stated appearing once again, "Come, Miss Nessa, I will show you to your chamber where you can bathe and freshen up."

Nessa nodded and took the hand Ja'far offered. It took much control for Sinbad to let another man take the hand of his Beauty, but he trusted Ja'far. He smiled as Nessa sent one last glance his way before disappearing around the corner.

Finally, things were going his way. Nessa was now under his care and watchful eye.

She was finally right where he needed her to be.

Let the hunt begin...

Let the hunt begin

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