Chapter 43: The Hill

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Written: in advance

Date: 25/3/17

Words: 1,165


Day in the story: Prom (same day as last chapter)


<><>Sky's POV<><>

"Can we please go now?" Lilith asked.

"Don't collapse from exhaustion." Adam joked.

Lilith glared at him in response. 

"Yes, we can go. Prom is almost over anyway." Rob answered.

We all agreed to leave. After all we had eaten some food, drank some drinks, figured out the Prom Queen and King (who I barely knew, mostly because they were Seniors), and danced enough for us to be tired. It was time to go relax on the hill.

"Leggo!" Mitch and Jerome screamed at the same time.

We all laughed while other people just looked at us wondering what was happening. You know, the usual.

The hill was only about 5 minutes away, so we didn't have a long conversation on the way there. But that was fine with me, I loved that hill.

Seriously, I did.

When we got there, we all rushed out of the car to sit down. Apparently everyone was excited as I was. We weren't doing anything necessarily special. I think it was just the fact that it would be just us, and not some Juniors and Seniors that we hardly knew or didn't know. Plus, you could actually breathe the fresh air here, not be in the stuffy crowded gym full of teenagers.

"Ah, I forgot what it was like to breathe fresh air." Ivy exaggerated.

"Well, at least we weren't on the motorway." I said, trying to make a reference.

(Cue Garrett- "Let me guess, another Doctor Who reference?" Me- smiles and nods)

"Doctor Who reference?" Crystal asked.

"Of course." I answered.

"You know that's like the one thing I don't get references to, right?" Lilly asked me.

"Yeah, I know. But, I can't help it." I shrugged.

At that moment, the guys arrived.

Mitch and Mat jumped out of the car, bringing blankets. 

"We bring blankets for your sitting needs!" Mat yelled.

Avery face palmed at that.

"What's the matter Avery? Is Mat embarrassing you?" Rob teased her.

Avery shook her head. "I like him, I really do, but sometimes I don't have any idea what's going on in his head."

"Isn't that a good thing?" Kenny asked.

"Yeah, trust me it is. If you knew what was happening in my head, you would probably be dead in 5 seconds. It's like a war zone." Mat agreed.

"I think we can all agree that all of our minds are like that." Aliya pointed out.

"You got that right!" Preston yelled.

I shook my head. "Yep, we're all secretly 5 year-olds on the inside. Some more than others."

Everyone smiled at me pointedly. I laughed, and nodded my head in agreement. 

"Ok, so all of us are kids and insane, agreed."

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