B0 Key

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I was stuck at home alone. Zonnique was with her parents, whom she didn't want to be with but acted like she wanted to, Chresanto was well I'm not really sure where Chresanto is, and G-Mommy went to a funeral. She asked me if I wanted to go but I declined because funerals make me sad and I hate seeing other people cry. That makes me cry which results in people giving me unwanted attention and I hate that. Anyways, I bet you're wondering what happened with Lourdes or whatever her name is. Well I didn't exactly tell her I was her big sister...I told her that I knew her mother, her hair was pretty, and then that's when we started to go into conversation about random things like our favorite food. I actually did kind of feel like a big sister because she even told me things that were personal because she said I looked trustworthy. After our chat we exchanged numbers then parted our separate ways. Chresanto was too busy cleansing himself in the bathroom to know that his little sister was standing in front of him. That was about all that happened...yeah. I dug my free hand into the big family size Doritos bag, grabbing out a handful of cheesy triangle chips. Suddenly my phone began buzzing and an unknown number popped up on my screen. I sighed as I pressed accept and put the phone up to my ear.

"Hello?" I said.

"Bahja! This is your mother. Chresanto is hurt and he's at my house! Please come quickly!" My mother said frantically. I didn't even hang up the phone. I sprinted out the house and around the corner to my mother's house. I knocked as fast and hard as I could before the door swung up revealing a healthy and fine Chresanto.

"Chresanto...? But...I thought you were hurt?" I was confused. Chresanto pulled me inside and locked the door afterwards.

"I'm fine. But the relationship between ma and you isn't." Chresanto sat me down. My eyes wandered over to my mother who was sitting on the other side of the room and playing with her fingers.

"Wait so let me get this straight. You called me over here to fix our relationship...not to help Chresanto? In that case I'm outtie like a stomach." I tried to get up from my seat but Chresanto pushed me back down.

"I thought you would object." Chresanto sighed as he brought the tape from behind his back and started to tape me to my chair. I kept a straight face the whole time.

"Really? Really Chresanto? That's how you feel?" I rolled my eyes.

"You too crazy Bahja. Ion trust not leaving you taped or bounded." Chresanto said. When Chresanto was finished, he stood in the middle of the room with his arms folded.

"First Shamra will go then Bahja it will be your turn." Chresanto said.

"Um well Bahja...I'll start off saying I truly do love you. You are my first child and you're definitely my mini me. I just want us to build a mother-daughter relationship. Y'know? I'm very sorry for missing out on your life and I know I can't fix that...I just want to be present in your life now." Shamra frowned. My nails tapped on the table next to me and my legs were crossed giving off that 'I don't really care' vibe.

"Alright...It's your turn Bahja." Chresano clasped his hands together looking at me.

"F-u-c-k yo-"

"Hey, hey, hey! There will be no rude and nasty language in this conversation and house hold. If you don't have anything nice to say don't say it all." Chresanto warned. I cut my eyes once more and laid back in my seat. It was a dead, awkward, silence.

"Well Bahja are you going to say something?" Chresanto gestured.

"I was but you said If I don't have anything nice to say don't say it at all." I said.

"Ugh! Bahja could you stop being so freaking complicated! I just want to be in your life again and your just raising h-e- double hockey stick for me!" Shamra bursted.

"I'll stop being complicated when you go back in time and take me out my grandma's arms whom you left me in when I was a baby." I argued. Shamra was quiet as a mouse when I said that.

"Right." I spat.

"Bahja Shamra's really sorry." Chresanto said in a baby voice while sitting on my lap and pulling on my cheeks.

"Shamra should be really sorry" I said back in a baby voice as well.

"I know she should but could you forgive Shamra?" Chresanto kissed my cheek.

"No I cannot." I pulled at one of his cheeks then lightly patted it.

"But Bahja she's really really very sorry..." Chresanto frowned and poked out his bottom lip.

"I really really don't care." I pouted poking out my bottom lip also. Shamra sat there awkwardly probably wishing that she had a family relationship like me and Chresanto.

"Please Bahja! I'll buy you a gingerbread latte." Chresanto bargained.

"Nope." I crossed my arms.

"Two gingerbread lattes?" Chresanto bargained once more.

"Nah." I declined.

"Sixteen gingerbread lattes?" Chresanto smiled. I shifted in my seat knowing I wanted to take up the offer.

"Ahh sixteen lattes if you try and make an effort on mending you and ma's relationship." Chresanto poked me a billion times.

"Okay fine." I cracked. Chresanto got off me and jumped in victory.

"Okay now say what's on your mind Bahja." Chresanto got real professional all of a sudden. I sighed and fixed my posture.

"Mother...Oh mother I don't know where to start...Ah yes let's start there. Mother I really feel like you abandoned me and just gave up on me when there was clearly a good chance that we could've made it. I feel as if you don't love me and you try to sugarcoat me with your lies to win me back. You even went as far as lying to Chresanto to win back my affection for you. All my life all I wanted to do was meet you and play piano with you but of course you were "traveling across the world" as my grandmother told me. But to find out you lived right around the corner hurt me. It made me think...so she just didn't plain ole want me? I loved you ma. I thought, wrote, sung, played piano, about you. I loved you so much I-I..." I was tearing up and my voice was starting to crack.

"I talked to the bear you and daddy left me. That pink stuffed bear and my pink piano were the only friends I had in my whole entire life. That was until Zonnique." Tears were streaming down my face. Shamra rushed over to me held me in her arms.

"I only had that bear and that piano ma. I ain't have you or daddy or Chresanto or Zonnique, none of y'all. Not even G-Mommy. I only had that bear and my pink piano" I wailed. Shamra rocked me back and forth trying to plaster me back together.

Dear B0 Key,

Please come save me.

ÉlanNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ