Chapter 8 ~ A Heated Meeting and Argument

Start from the beginning

"I'll see you at Christmas," he said, pulling away.

I nodded my head. "Promise you'll write to me?"

He smiled, nodding his head in return. "I promise."

I smiled back and gave him a kiss on the head. "I love you, Scorpius."

"I love you, too. Goodbye, Mum." Scorpius caught up with Albus and hopped on the train with him. He stuck his head out of a window and waved at me. I waved back and watched as the train began to make its way out of the station.

"Time flies by, doesn't it?" Draco asked me as he approached me from behind.

"Yeah, it does," I replied.

"Did Harry's scar hurt last night, too?" he asked me.

I huffed a sigh, knowing he was going to ask me that question. I turned around and looked at him. "What do you think?"

"I think something bad is about to happen in the Wizarding world," he replied.

I huffed a sigh. "Well, let's hope you're wrong."


"Order! Order! Do I have to conjure silence?" Hermione spoke up as we were in the Grand Meeting Room in the Ministry of Magic. Everyone silenced immediately, which pleased Hermione. "Good. Welcome to this Extraordinary General Meeting. I'm so pleased so many of you could make it. The Wizarding world has been living in peace now for many years. It's been twenty-two years since we defeated Voldemort at the Battle of Hogwarts, and I'm delighted to say there is a new generation being brought up having known only the slightest conflict. Until now. Harry. Max."

Harry and I both stood up. Harry began to talk first. "Voldemort's allies have been showing movement for a few months now. We've followed trolls making their way across Europe, giants starting to cross the seas, and the werewolves...well, I'm distressed to say we lost sight of them some weeks ago. We don't know where they're going or who's encouraged them to move, but we are aware that they are moving, and we are concerned what it might mean.

"So we're asking, if anyone has seen anything? Felt anything? If you could raise a wand, we will hear everyone speak." The first person to raise their wand was the Headmaster of Hogwarts herself: "Professor McGonagall! Thank you."

Professor McGonagall, who looked like she hadn't aged a day, stood up from her seat. "It did look like the potion stores had been interfered with when we returned from summer break, but not a huge amount of ingredients were missing, some Boomslang skin and lacewing flies, nothing on the Restricted Register. We put it down to the ghosts to be on the lookout."

"Thank you, Professor. We shall investigate," Hermione said as McGonagall sat back down. "Nobody else? Fine, and, gravest of all, and this hasn't been the case since Voldemort, Harry and Max's scars are hurting again."

A series of mutters from everyone came upon the room. "Everyone, don't panic, okay? It could be just a coincidence," I assured them.

"Besides, Voldemort is dead. Voldemort is gone," Draco added. "Just like you said, right, Max?"

Before I could answer, Hermione intervened. "Yes, Draco, Voldemort is dead, but these things all lead us to think that there's a possibility that Voldemort...or some trace of Voldemort..."

I gave Hermione a warning look, but I knew she was going to say it, anyway.

"...might be back."

Another reaction came from the room.

"Now this is difficult but we have to ask it to rule it out. Those of you with a Dark Mark...have you felt anything? Even a twinge?" Harry asked the room.

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