Preference 11 - you go to his concert and something happens

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Harry (3) - "bye bye bug. Hazza will see you when he's done. Enjoy the show baby" Harry said while Kissing your cheek and setting you down. All the boys came over and gave you a big hug and kiss before they went on.

Harry brought you to his first show in America. He thought it would be cool if his baby sister came down and saw him. He had one of the security guards watch you.

You walked over to the security guard Harry had introduced you to, Mike. He was around 30 and had 2 little daughters of his own so Harry thought he'd be a perfect fit for you.

You got scared by all the screaming so you went over and held his hand. He looked down at you and picked you up.

"The screamy is scarey" you explained to Mike.

"I know princess. Harry show will be over in a few hours. Just focus on their singing ok" he told you as he rocked you.

You leaned your head on his shoulder and after a little while you fell asleep.

Mike carried you to the boys changing room and layed you on the couch. He went outside for a little bit to make sure everything was going ok.

You woke up and didn't know where you were. You thought someone took. You started to scream and cry hoping your brother would hear you.

Mike ran into the room as soon as he heard your screams. Once you saw him you knew who he was and you held your arms out for him.

He picked you up and said "shh your in Harry's room babe. His concert is almost over. Your ok. I'm here now" he said while rocking you.

All you wanted right now was Harry so you cried even more. Mike carried you to the side of the stage and he saw they were saying their goodbyes.

Harry looked over to where you were and once he saw you he said the quickest goodbye and ran to you.

He took you from Mike and and said "shh baby girl what happened shhh"

"I sleep and I woke up and I don't know where I was and I was alone. But Mik savwed me! But I rweally wantsed you" you said while holding your brothers neck.

Harry rocked you and gave Mike a hug for taking such good care of you. He'll be watching you from now On.

Niall (8) You couldn't believe your brother had taken you to one of his concerts! You were super excited! You had always wanted to see him in concert! The only thing was you haven't eaten yet.

It was half way through the show and you were super hungry and Niall forgot to feed you before he went on, so you decided to go look for food on your own.

Niall would never ever let you choose food on your own because you are extremely allergic to peanuts. You didn't know what did or didn't have nuts so Niall always ha to check for you.

All the boys, 5sos, Lou, and the whole security team knew what to do incase you had an attack. You always had your emergency backpack with you.

Inside had your EpiPen, inhaler, medical cream for when you break out, and a nebulizer.

You went into the room that had all the food and you grabbed a cookie. You looked at it to see if it had any nuts, but it looked like a normal chocolate chip cookie.

A peanut butter chocolate chip cookie.

You took the cooking back to the side of the stage and started to eat the cookie. Not even 30 seconds later you started to cough. You knew what was happening.

"Y/n babe are you ok?!" Ashton asked you as he rushed to your side. You pointed to your backpack and he knew what was happening.

He laid you on the ground and rushed to your backpack and got all the stuff out. He took your EpiPen and stabbed it into your thigh. Then he took your inhaler and put it in your mouth and pushed down. Lastly he grabbed the nebulizer and put the mask over your mouth and turned it on.

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