A Fierce Counterattack

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This Chapter is dedicated to Vanilla Girl , Kazumi Uchicha, and MyDeath.

You three are amazing people and one of the many who have stuck to this story until the end. For that  I thank you!

Vanilla Girl and MyDeath expect the same treatment on your amazing Fullmetal Alchemist FanFictions!

More shoutouts to come!

-Rain by SID-

Chapter 62- A Fierce Counterattack


Father stood in front of a whole crowd of white clothed Briggs men. No words had to be spoken. It was obvious that he was the treat there. The men gasped before pointing their guns at him. “Let’s get him!” One of them ordered. The determination of this was short lived because Father raised his hand which made red sparks crackle around the men dressed in white. The men started to gasp and hack in hopes to get air only for nothing. Father walked forward and made the deadly transmutation even stronger.

It was almost certain that they would perish. Until an arrow slammed into Father’s back which made the red sparks cease. His golden eyes glared over to the attacker. There stood Hohenheim with his hand extended to the man. “I won’t let you sacrifice even more people!” He yelled.

Shortly Al, Kaley, May, Marcus, Izumi, and Claire appeared to the scene. “Dad!” Al gasped now running to him.

“He was planning on using them to make another Philosopher Stone.” Hohenheim stated.

The group gasped and then got into a fighting stance. Father didn’t even bother to move at this but only to stare them down. “What else are these useless humans good for?”

Hohenheim looked down and shook his head softly. Then he looked up to start his lecture. “You treat humans like a lower life form but don’t you see? Only they can be made to make a Philosopher Stone, and only from a stone can a homunculus arise. But what does a homunculus produce? What do you create?” He asked continuously which made the man silent for a few seconds. “Creation is everything and all you do is destroy! You may think that you reached a perfect state of being but you have hit nothing but a dead end!”

“I can create!” Father stated. “Shall I create some humans for you?”

The warriors gasped at the mere thought of him creating humans. Not because he despises them with every fiber in his being but because it can end badly for them. He then raised his arms and skinish globs crawled out of his stomach all at once making their stomach turn. Claire, Kaley, May, Marcus, and Izumi held a look of horror at the sight of this. These people started to scream and shout at this and crawl out of Father’s skin. The group of golden haired men and women started to stand up and walk over to the group of living beings. These people were the people of Xerxes.

One of these people looked like the king of the nation as he stood and let out a olden sound. Hohenheim gasped and his eyes grew wide. “At least… I have found immortality…” The king rasped walking forward. “Don’t you see that I am still alive?”

“K-King Xerxes? Is that you?” Hohenheim questioned breathlessly.

Izumi and Claire gasped and took a step back at them closing in. Suddenly a small hand touched Izumi’s foot and another grabbed Claire’s ankle. The two gasped and Izumi saw a baby crawling over to her while mumbling mama. She gasped and cupped her mouth with her hand. A woman grabbed Claire’s leg while gasping ‘darling’. She gasped and started to become teary eyed. “T-This isn’t happening…” She whimpered.

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