Eyeway of Heaven, Gateway to Earth

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This Chapter is dedicated to my friend Sarah Dream and Jenna.

Thank you for your amazing ideas and helping me find my new found goals.

Oh and thanks for making Hate/Red! Such a fun character! :)

More shoutouts to come!

Rain SID

Chapter 60- Eyeway of Heaven, Gateway to Earth

Radio Capital


Two soldiers from Central Forces were walking forward to the doors while holding shields. Behind them was Brosh. Rebecca stood at the glass doors holding her gun up just in case anything happened. As this happened Ross and Fuery ran over to see what was going on with them. “They said they wanted to negotiate.” Rebecca stated before turning back to the scene.

A soldier waved his hand to call out to them. “It’s just one man! He’s unarmed and he’s coming now!” He called out.

The call made Brosh step out with his hands over his head. He walked over with caution as everyone inside rose their guns. “Keep your hands up! Make one wrong move and we will shoot!” Rebecca called out keeping her gun pointed right at him.

Ross did the same but stopped when she remembered him. Her eyes widen softly and her jaw dropped for a small second. Then she set her hand on Rebecca’s shoulder for comfort. “It’s okay, let him through, I know we can trust him.” She replied. Brosh stepped in with a gulp and then his green eyes met Ross’s blue ones. The woman smiled brightly and waved but Brosh came up with arms wide open engulfing her in a monstrous hug. It had been obvious that he’s been hanging out with Major Armstrong too much.

Athena’s POV

Alright, let’s recap with what has happened when I was knocked out shall we? It turns out that Kaley killed the whole Chimera army on her own, Hohenhiem is in whatever that black thing is, and to top it all off we have the fact that Roy has been forced into Human Transmutation. Yeah, join that club Colonel. Now he has my sympathy. “So, you mean to tell me that you're just going to reject the truth?” The thing questioned.

Okay, I missed this part. This is what happens when I leave it to Kaley to tell me what’s happened and stuff. “Yeah!” Ed called out hiding me behind him. “Listen here! Don’t think that you won just cause you got us all here! We’re not gonna sit back and let you sacrifice us!”

“Your words will do nothing to change your fate!” The thing, which I’m guess is the Father stated.

Izumi was trying to calm Roy down after the turama. I’ve been in that boat, it’s HELL. People crying everywhere you look. Well in his case hearing it. He gets half the package, but I get the whole thing. I don’t know which one is worse. Hearing people wail over you, or seeing it for your own eyes. “Let’s get out of here.” Izumi reassured softly. “Can you stand?”

“No~ None of you will be leaving!” Father sang making all glares on him. “Escaping is futile, you're already deep in my stomach!”

May and Kaley then stepped in front of us and held a determined yet scary look on their faces. I haven’t seen May’s poker face but Kaley’s, it was a stronger poker face than the one she held when she left her mom to live with Smith and me. That day is one I could never forget. They both said bad things to each other that day. I gasped and tried to step forward. “What are you two doing?” I called out only to have Ed and my Father hold me back. Why must these two men do this to me? Ed, I can understand, but my Dad?! He’s the one who’s taught me to not hold people back and be stubborn 24/7. When he says 24/7 he means that. Trust me…

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