Forgetting & Forgiving. <3

541 18 9

Its the day of nationals and I have butterflies fluttering around in my stomach.

Me and Blake aren't fighting anymore, Thank gosh!!!

I walked inside because I had already got my horse in the trailer and I still had to get dressed.

I walked into my room and got dressed.  When  was done I went down stairs and I grabbed some palmogranite seeds (They were in a bag already).

"Are you coming or not?" i yelled to Blake,  about to walk out the  door.

"I'm coming hold on" he said while running down the steps.

"I'm driving!" i yelled while walking out the door.

"Ok" he said

I hopped in the truck and started it up.

Blake got in right after me. He looked really good today.

I started up the truck and drove away.

Once we finally got there I saddled up and so did Blake but he wasn't racing. Guys don't usually race mainly girls.

Anyways, We rode over to the arena and sat and waited till my turn

"Number 57!!" the man yelled and I ran out there and went around every barrel but I went a little wide around the 2 one . I could here Blake yelling at me tellin me to 'go!! go!!!! go!!!!!, you can do this!!' it made me laugh because the whole time he was probably smiling like an idiot.

I came out of the arena still running and then I slowed down. Blake ran next to me on his horse.

"hey you did great!" he squealed like a 3 year old.

"Not really, I went to wide around the barrel and I'm not gonna win I only got a 15.7 and that's horrible for me. I usually get in the 14.0 area and I didn't. "

"That's ok Sare bear, your probably better than all off them but you went wide" he said "Your the last one anyway so let's go see who wins" he said while kicking his horse signaling it to run, I followed closely behind.

"Number 39 you just won nationals!!!" the man called out

but the lady didn't come up there, they waited for ten minutes and no one came so they said they are gonna pick whoever was in second to be in first.

"Number 57 you just won nationals!!!!"......"Why don't you come out here after take a victory lap?" he said

I made my way to the gate opening and then I ran out there and ran around the whole arena and Once again I could hear Blake cheering for me like the rest of the crowd. I could hear him cheering for me out of thousands of people.

I came out of the arena and went to the stand and they told me that I won a horse trailer, a saddle, and a belt buckle.

I wasn't that proud of myself, I didn't win first place I won second and I got the credit for first. Which I didn't deserve at all. They said my trailer would be delivered in a week. I got to bring home my belt buckle and saddle though.

I made Blake carry my things though I rode to my truck and tied up Jackson.

"We'll get 'em next year" i said to Jackson in almost a whisper.

I took off his heavy saddle and I started walking to the trailer and then Blake took it and set it on the rack.

I walked back to Jackson and I took off his reins and stuff.

I got the brush and brushed him slowly and then when I was finished I put it back into the trailer.

Blake put Jackson back in the trailer though.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2013 ⏰

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