Gettin' to know Blake.

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Today was the last day of school and we got out early so I had to feed the horses all by myself because my step dad and my mom was at work. My older sister Zoey makes me do ALL the work.  She's too lazy. As I was feeding them Blake's dads truck pulled up and he got out and walked over to me.

"Need some help?" he said smiling

"Why are you here Blake?"

"Well get used to it because I'm going to be here all summer"

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped all the way to the ground. "Why?"

"My dad, your step dad and your mom are going to be gone all summer and your sister is going to a your aunts"

"Ooooooooh"................."By the way my name is Sarah"

"I know"

"Okay get to work then blake!!"

"Fine I will!!!" he said chuckling

I grabbed some hay put it in the back of our gator and drove to the dry lots. and when we got to the dry lots Blake would unload it.

We were finished we decided to go in and clean a little. When my phone beeped. I sat down on the couch and Blake sat down on the chair.

Ryan- Hey

Sarah- Hey

Ryan-Can I come over

Sarah- Um not today, tomorrow?

Ryan- Please!!!?!?!!! I miss you

Sarah- No!!!

Ryan- Fine!! :(

I didn't text back and I didnt want him to come over because Blake and I'm afraid Ryan will be mad.

___________RYANS P.O.V.____________

Why doesn't she want me to come over? I really miss her. What if she's cheating on me?.............No she wouldn't.....would she?

Emily- Hey Sarah has a visitor all summer!!


Emily-A hottie named Blake. :)

Ryan-Does she like him?

Emily- I think so

Ryan- Im going over there now

Emily- Don't do anything to stupid!

__________Sarah's P.O.V.___________

Me and Blake are watching a movie and now that I've got to know him he super nice, I offered to make us some popcorn but instead he got up and made it. When he came and  sat back down with the popcorn.

"Oh shit I forgot about the rodeo tonight" he said with a pouty voice

"Oh well"

"Yeah oh well" he said

Right about then the door slammed and we heard footsteps I immediately looked at Blake. Then I saw Ryan.

"Hey" he said with a smile

"Uh hi" I said and then his smile dropped instantly when he saw Blake. Then he started to kiss me.

"Ryan no......not now......just get away from me!"  i said and I saw Blake clench his jaw and his fists.

"Fine grouchy!! I'll be leaving I guess!" He got up and started to walk away.

"Ryan stop I didn't mean it" i said while getting up and grabbing his wrists. When he pushed me to the ground. and said...


"Ryan..... I.....I'm sorry"

"Dueces!"  he said

"RYAN!!!" i said while getting up and going after him. But he ran out before I could catch him and he was mad!!!   °_°

I just walked back to the couch slowly, and then I sat down.

"You okay?" he whispered

"Fine" i said, Then I kept watching the movie and then I fell asleep.


I woke up to the sound of sizzling I walked into the kitchen and Blake was cooking bacon and eggs. But last night when Blake clenched his jaw and fists, why would he do that was he jealous?

"Hello? Sarah!" he said while shaking my shoulders

"Yes....sorry uh....err uh" i stammered to talk

"Day dreaming?" he said while smiling

"Yeah" I said shyly but with a little smirk. He handed me a plate with 3 pieces of bacon and 2 eggs with orange juice.

"Thanks" I said

"For what?" he said

"Making us breakfast silly!" i said while poking him in the stomach and laughing.

"Oh no problem" he said smiling

I started to eat and then I finished after about 10 minutes. Blake finished within 5 minutes and then I washed dishes and then I got my boots to go feed the horses.

"Blake c'mon we have to feed the horses" I shouted so he could hear me from all the way across the house.

"Fine I comin'!!" he shouted back at me while he ran to get his boots on and I already was outside gettin the gator so we could put the hay in the back.

I started to put the hay in the back when Blake finally came and sat down in the gator.

I finished putting the hay in the gator so he drove it to the dry lot and put the hay in the holder. Then he came and then I drove him to the house and then I parked the gator beside the house then I walked in.

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