Cowgirls & Cowboys

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I walked out of the school and I totally forgot to wait for Emily. But by the time I remembered I was supposed to wait I was already home.  About 5 minutes after I realised I forgot about waiting for her she texted me

Emily-Hey why didn't you pick me up?

Sarah-Sorry I forgot :-/

Emily -Whatever, can I come over?

Sarah-Sure but we are going to ride horses so wear jeans and boots

Emily-K I'll be over there soon

I didn't text back, so I went upstairs to my room and I grabbed some jeans and slipped them over my legs and I put on a regular T-shirt. I grabbed some long socks and I put them on and then I put on my boots and I headed outside to get my new horse out of the pasture. I have only rode him 3 times I think but overall he's a good horse, I named him Jackson. 

I walked out to the pasture and I didn't have to walk that far to get to him. When I got to him I put the reins on him and I hopped up onto him. I rode him bareback until I reached the gate then I hopped off and I opened it and lead my horse out and then closed it and then tied my horse up then walked to the horse trailer to get my saddle and the saddle pad that goes under the saddle.

After I got my horse saddled I went into our arena and I got all the barrels out.

I went around each barrel and then I saw Emily coming on her horse because she only lived like 10 minutes away. 

She got in the arena and we took turns  going around the barrels. After about 15-30 minutes a truck pulled into my driveway. And a man got out and knocked on our door. My step dad came out and they went in.

Emily and I kept riding and it was my turn to run. I kicked my horse acouple times and it started to run I went around each barrel and then when I was done I didn't knock any of them over. Just then we heard this clapping noise and I turned to see this guy watching us barrel race.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you"......."By the way I'm Blake your step dads best friends son"

"Ooooh......Do you ride?" i said shyly

"Yeah I do I have to be in a rodeo tomorrow, you should enter your pretty  good"

"Thanks!" I said while blushing a little. after that his dad came out and said it's time for him to go. so he hurried and got into the truck and they backed out and left.

"Wow he's cute Sarah you should date him!" she said excitedly

"Well to bad I'm dating Ryan" I said

"Dump him!!!"

"No!!!" and with that i ran off and ran around the barrels and then I went out of the arena and unsadled my horse and put everything up and put my horse back in the pasture

"I didn't mean to upset you" Emily said

"Oh you didn't" I mumbled under my breath

"Do you think I could stay the night tonight?"

"Ask my mom"

" I can't actually I have chores tonight"


"I have to go"


She just ran off and I walked inside and took a shower because I was all sweaty. When I got in the hot water felt good streaming down my back.

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