Chapter 5

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Granger + Danger, Swan + Wand

AUthor's Note: I would absolutely ADORE if someone would actually review this story lol. I know that you guys read and like going directly to the next chapter without bothering to review.. But I would REALLY adore some reviews. I know there are a few things in the story that are perhaps...a teensy bit unbelievable. BUT. If you could just over look that and give me some reviews... Lol. I'll be posting more soon. This chapter will be the most intense yet. REMEMBER THE RATING. ;) And don't worry.. There will be more!


Chapter 5

Hermione touched the brass handle of the door to Bella's room tentatively. She wanted to compose herself before the vampire saw her. She made sure her wand was easily accesible, and then touched on hand to her loose hair. She felt absolutely nutty for caring about what she looked like, but something that the Tranquil Richmond had said made her nervous. "Something a mortal would refer to as a 'soul mate' perhaps," he'd told her only moments ago. "Have you heard of such a thing?" Of course she'd heard of such a thing! She wasn't daft! But what in Merlin's name did that mean? 

She pushed the door open and stepped into the darkness of the dormitory. There were only two small windows and both had been severely tinted. She wondered if the muggle stories her parents had told her as child about vampires bursting into flames had any truth in them. Regardless, it took a few moments for her eyes to adjust to the small amount of light. She scanned the room looking for movement, and when she saw the form knelt in the corner, her heart skipped a beat. 

Hadn't she came her to yell at the girl? To tell the girl that she absolutely could NOT get away with how she had treated Hermione the night before? Then why had her heart started fluttering in her chest. 

"Hello," she offered, hesitantly taking steps across the room. Her eyes focused more and more and eventually she could see another pair of eyes staring back at her in the darkness. 

"Hello again," Bella Swan said. Her voice sounded pinched, her tone controlled. 

Hermione stood in front of the girl, maybe only a leg's length away. "I came to talk to you about..." She saw the way Bella sat, kneeling in the floor, her wrists shackled and hanging just far enough above the ground to look absolutely uncomfortable. She lost her train of thought. Something more than the need to get an apology had drawn her here. She wasn't usually the type to give into her instincts, but she also wasn't usually the type that went traipsing around the forests of Devon looking for a cloaked sanctuary that the Ministry had told her to avoid. "You look miserable," she said to the vampire, and knelt too. 

Bella nodded. Hermione could tell that the girl was focusing on control. She sat completely still, perhaps afraid that if she moved, her focus would waver and she would pull the shackles from the stone walls. "I am," she responded. "Sorry about last night."

"Why didn't you bite me when you had the chance?" Hermione asked her, "You could have done it a dozen times over, but you just toyed with me."

"You wouldn't understand it if I told you," the girl replied. 

Hermione inched closer, the gap between them shrinking to only about a foot and a half. "Tell me."

Bella's eyes flashed in the dimness. Her pupils were much lighter than they had been the night before. Perhaps it was just the lack of light playing tricks on her, but Hermione could have sworn they were a light shade of amber. 

"Have you ever smelt something so amazing that you had to taste it?" Bella asked, her voice liquid. 

"Such as?" Hermione inquired. 

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