Chapter 4

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Granger + Danger, Swan + Wand

Author's Note: So how are you guys liking it? I think that Bella is totally OOC. Buuuut. She's been changed!! So it's really unavoidable. I'm not really too sad about it. She's about to get totally hot. So sit tight. 

Pleeeeease review!! :D


Chapter 4

Winchester and Richmond had Bella shackled to a wall in her room, just as they had when Carlisle and his sons had dropped her off that previous May. The chains were in the far corner of the room and extended down to about a foot from the floor. She sat on her knees, with the shackles on her wrists and hung her head. She felt empty. Now that she had had time to think about it, she knew she'd done something terrible. She'd nearly killed the girl in the forest- Hermione Granger, she'd said her name was. 

But as much as she regretted her actions, she couldn't see how they could've been avoided. Hermione Granger would have tasted absolutely amazing, Bella was sure of that. Everything about her had Bella losing her mind. She didn't blame Winchester or Richmond for locking her up. If she had been free, she would have escaped that very instant to find her. She had no doubt that if the girl was within a hundred miles, she could have tracked her down. She had to see her again, feel her again. Of course, she absolutely recognized that her murderous actions had ruined any platonic relationship, but still Bella craved.

Richmond had smoothed her hair back as she sat on the floor, immediately after being chained to the wall. "Bella, dear, you can't be doing that. We're Tranquils for a reason. We don't KILL. Not even animals, dear. Carlisle begged us to keep you clean. If you kill someone, you can't be a Tranquil. We'll have to relocate you."

Winchester knelt in front of her as well, with his hands on his knees. "Other rehabilitation clinics are different," he assured her. "They involve tortures rather than meditation. You must behave."

Now Bella just sat. She'd been alone for hours. Winchester had came in that morning with her breakfast. He held the glass up to her mouth and she'd sucked every drop through the straw. Richmond brought in a second glass on minutes after. He did the same thing. He explained to her that they had been trying to teach her mediation, but now he was just intent on keeping her fed. He didn't sound happy at all. He left her alone. They both did, and she sat very still, abd thought about her past for a while. 

She wondered how Charlie was doing. He was once again living in an empty house. But this time there was no chance of her returning to it. She thought about her mother Renee and guessed at the places that she had been living in the past year. She felt less sadness than she had in the beginning. At first it had been utterly terrible to recall her family. She knew that they were freshly mourning. She knew that her new friends at the highschool in Forks were mourning, and her father's friends at the diner were too. She thought about the rest of the Cullens, the beautiful, beautiful Cullens, and how they were fairing. She thought about Rosalie's hatred, and Emmet's boisterous nature. She thought about Alice's charm and Jasper's pensive attitude. Then she thought about Esme and Carlisle. It hurt the most to think about those too. She could see Carlisle's face hovering of her in the dance studio as she lost conciousness. She could hear him yelling to his son to be a man and to step up and save her. It had been Carlisle's face that she first saw when she awakened. 

He had said, "Bella, I'm so sorry."

It hadn't been his fault. It hadn't really been Edward's fault either. The venom had already spread so far by the time they'd gotten to her, that Carlisle said that it was a very long shot of Edward being able to save her regardless. But still, he had done nothing. And now Bella was chained to a wall and alone.

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