Carbon Grey

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The night is still young, 
So why can't we play?
Stuck in this whirlwind of a life,
Where life and death are questioned each day.

I never asked for such a life,
I needed to find myself,
The troubles of the past had to be forgotten,
But you came along and I question life more often.

With your bright blue eyes,
And dark brown hair shining in the light,
Your beautiful frame of a body,
And a personality worth killing for,
You destroy me.

You are like carbon grey,
Elegant and dark,
Radiating mystery and beauty
But you hide secrets like no other.

It was when I saw you on the road,
Incapable of saving yourself
When I saw that carbon grey was not what it seemed.
It's dark and powerful but fragile and soft like a woman's body.

I've been stripped of carbon grey the day you died,

Getting nightmares of what happened,
Every strip of colour taken from you second by second,
Your breaths forgotten in the depths of the water.

I treasure it as a tribute to you,

My love,
I'll never forget you until my last day,

Where I'll be able to see you again, my carbon grey.



I hope you enjoyed this poem, it took me a while to get back into writing, having to deal with the overflow of midterms and studio. Please leave some feedback and vote! It really makes my day to see a notification in my inbox!

This poem was hard to write since it is emotionally filled but it will be shortly followed by another one in a similar fashion. 

Have a great day!


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