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A/N: Alright, since a lot of people seem to not read the description. Here's a warning.
Triggers: Sex, homophobic slurs, self harm, suicidal thoughts/actions, drug use, underage drinking (they're juniors in high school), mentions of eating disorders (anorexia).


  I groaned as sunlight blinded me, and I felt warmth pressed against my chest. Blocking the sun from my eyes with my hand, I noted the familiar tufts of blond hair poking out from under the blanket, the person's naked body pressed against my own. He whimpered a bit, curling into me, though not awake yet. I sighed, running a hand through my brown hair, feeling a headache coming on. I probably shouldn't have drunk that last bit of vodka last night.
  Carefully, I got out of the bed, making sure I didn't disturb him before quietly finding my clothes and putting them on.

  It took me a moment to find my keys, but when I did, I left the house and started my shitty car. Mom had said I'd get a better one once I was a senior which was probably just another promise she'd never follow through with. I pulled out of the driveway and drove the nearly-ten minute drive back to my house. It was a Saturday which meant I could sleep all day and not have to worry about homework until tomorrow. Pulling into my own driveway, I begrudgingly padded into the house, hoping my mother wasn't home from her job at the bar all the way across the city.
  Collapsing onto my bed, I sighed and grabbed my laptop from my nightstand, deciding to just mindlessly scroll through social media until she got home. I felt my phone vibrate next to me, and I picked it up, hoping to whatever deity watching over me that it wasn't who I thought it was

'From: Alex
   yo did you leave with anyone last night after the party?'

   No felt sick so I went home. Why?'

'From: Alex
   Idk heard it from Mikey'

  I rolled my eyes at the name. Mikey and I had been best friends up until freshman year. It wasn't because he came out as gay though. Once Mikey started dating some kid named Pete, we pretty much just stopped hanging out. I'm not homophobic or anything, but my friends are. Most of them anyway. I don't exactly want to lose all of my childhood friends over one kid. I know how fucked up and selfish it is, but I've come to terms with it at this point. He basically started trying to get 'revenge' on me for 'ruining his life' by spreading rumors that I'm gay too which is also not true. He stempted to ruin my life several times in the past going so far as to accusing me of raping people.
  My phone buzzed again, but when I looked at it, I saw a different four-letter name on the screen. I sighed, opening the text.
'From: Maxx
   did you come over last night?'

'From: Maxx
   alright :/'

  Alrighty then.  I continued scrolling on my laptop nonchalantly, not bothering to respond.
  Maxx Danziger was one of those kids who was attached to his camera. You'd most likely find him in the courtyard taking photos without a care in the world. He was also openly gay which automatically made him a target for my friends. In fact, one time last year, Alex had broken Maxx's camera earning himself suspension from school for the rest of the week. 
  Now, I know what you're thinking.
  'If he's sleeping with a guy, doesn't that make him gay or at least bisexual?'

  Let me get this straight. I basically just used Maxx. I'd say we were friends with benefits, but we weren't even friends. I still considered myself straight. I didn't find any guys attractive. Maxx just had a very feminine body, and he was always down for a quick fuck whenever.
  The first time we had sex, I was fucked up on a little more than a fourth of a bottle of whiskey and Xanax. I made him swear up and down the next morning as he handed me some pain relievers that he wouldn't tell a soul about it. He gave me his number, saying I could call anytime, and of course, I took advatage of that offer. That was why I never felt bad about always leaving him the morning after. He hadn't said anything about it, so I assumed he just wanted a casual fuck as much as I did. He probably needed it. The kid didn't talk much, so he didn't have many friends.
  I heard the front door close downstairs, and got out of bed to greet my mom. Closing my laptop, I saw that it was nearly two in the morning. So much for going to school the next day.

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