Extra Scene - Ahmad/Yusrah Fluff

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"I'll be right back," I said giving her a peck on her cheek as I left. I went to buy two tickets for the sunset trip on one of the little boats. Once I returned to Yusrah I showed her our tickets.

"Come on, we have a boat to catch."


The sunset cruise was spectacular. As the sun set Yusrah stared in awe at the beauty of it all from our point of view. It was actually adorable seeing her amazed at something as everyday as a sunset, but I must admit it was truly beautiful. The sky shone a  million different colours. Birds flew in flocks as they got ready to settle for the night. The setting sun reflected on the sea, turning the rippling waves bright and golden.

"It's so beautiful," Yusrah said.

"It really is," I replied, but I wasn't looking at the glorious sunset. I was looking at something much more beautiful in my eyes - Yusrah.

"Is that... a dolphin?!" Yusrah asked, her voice laced with excitement.

I turned to where she was pointing and sure enough I saw the unmistakable shape of two dolphins leaping out of the ocean and then plummeting back in. The other passengers on the boat all exclaimed at the sight of the dolphins. People were pointing and camera's were flashing.

"Wow. I've never seen a real dolphin before," Yusrah said.

"We're just lucky it isn't a shark," I joked.

Yusrah moved closer towards me and wrapped her arm around my waist. "Thanks Ahmad, this is a truly amazing trip. I've never been on a boat before," she admitted.

I wrapped my arms right around her and pulling her closer, placing a kiss on her forehead. "And this is only the beginning of the evening," I said.

We held each other close as the Summer breeze whipped our hair and clothes, watching the graceful dolphins leaping about with the magnificent sunset as a background. A perfect picture I must say. With renewed determination I was certain that I would make this the best night of both of our lives.


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After our boat trip I decided that we should get something to eat. All good dates require food. "You hungry yet?" I asked.

"I guess," Yusrah said with a shrug of her shoulders.

Usually we go to Joe's Pizzeria. It was like the party central in our small town. All the teenagers and young adults hang out there because it was home to the best pizza ever created! But today I didn't want to take Yusrah to Joe's Pizzeria. I wanted to take her somewhere special.

We caught a cab and I told the driver to take us to Italiano Cuisine.

"Italiano Cuisine?!" Yusrah exclaimed, "That place is expensive!"

"No worries," I said fingering my dad's credit card which was in my pocket. We were only to use it in an emergency. Sorry dad, but this is an emergency.

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