Tears Come First ~ chapter 1

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This was my first Story on wattpad, I thought I should post some of my work on here. So let me know what you think of it.!!!!!


I am slowly going though and trying to edit chapters so I am sorry if you see mistakes and what not.!!

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I held my breath and waited. I knew I needed to go in but I enjoyed the peace and quiet. This place in front of me was my own personal hell. I placed my hand on the cold doorknob. My eyes started to water as I turned the knob and opened the door.

I saw nothing. The coast looked clear and freedom was up the stairs and down the hall. I quietly turned to shut the door. I knew he was home so it may be possible he is asleep.

The heavy breathing was the first give away of his presents. I stayed facing the door. Maybe he would go away. I could feel my legs shaking but I did my best to make them stop. I slowly turned to look at him staring at me from the kitchen.

"Where the hell have you been" Kevin demanded.

I was frozen. I didn't know if I could speak to him. The look in his eyes showed me what I should have expected. "I had to talk with a teacher about a mistake they made on my test." The words were barley understandable as I spoke them.

"Do you think I'm stupid?" He demanded as he stepped closer to me.

I shook my head frantically. "No..."

He moved even closer now. "I'm trying to be nice to you, but then you go and pull this shit on me. I know you are lying you bitch. You're to stupid to even do well on a test." He was about a foot away from me now.

"Please Kevin I'm telling the truth." I cried out to him.

"You are always trying to tell me this bullshit! You are fucking dumb. Get that through your head. The only thing you are good for is pleasing man with your body." The way he laughed at the end caused myself to cringe.

"It's not by choice you force-" before I could finish talking he grabbed a handful of hair and chucked me at the wall. I wanted to cry so badly, but I tried to keep myself together. He always laughed at my weakness and made his game more enjoyable.

The throbbing in my head wasn't hard to miss. It had hit the corner on the stairs and I knew it was bleeding by now. I stayed on the floor waiting for Kevin to do something else but a thud caught my attention. Glancing over to where Kevin had been standing I took a deep breath. Praise the lord he drank because now he was passed out and I was free to sneak off to my room.

I slowly forced myself up off of the ground. My head was pounding but I knew I needed to get out of here. Glancing at Kevin one last time I knew he would be out for the rest of the night. When I finally made it to my room, I went to the mirror that sat in the corner of my room. I tried to get a look at my wound the best I could. There was a little amount of blood and I knew from the looks of it that I had worse.

Carefully I got into bed. Despite the pain I laid my head on the pillow. At least my bed was semi cozy. This was the one place that Kevin never touched. My room was mine. Anytime he needed me he would take me to the spare room or the basement.

I couldn't help myself as I cried. I cried from the pain of my head. I cried for the nightmare I was living. Mainly I cried for the stupid accident that is the reason I am living in hell.


"Emma looks at my picture I drew for you." I turned to look at Karla who had a huge grin on her face as she held up her art work.

The Nightmare You Saved Me FromHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin