"Why are you laughing?" she asked frowning.

"Just now I realized how crack head, I am too. We both are made for each other." I replied shaking my head.

"I am a kid! How can you love me?" she asked, raising her eyebrow, taking out my shirt from my bag.

I forgot to pack her clothes, but conveniently packed too many of mine or that's what I said to her. She glared at me, but seems like she understood what I actually wanted with the look she gave me.

"Please, Olivia! That is another mistake of mine. You are no near a kid. Yes! You are stubborn and all but who is not? Just like how stubborn I am to make you believe I love you." I replied back.

"So, any other questions?" I asked, sitting on the cot when she returned wearing my shirt.

She shook her head and started walking towards the cot to sit but I stopped her before pulling her to me.

"Do you know that you killed me wearing these at that time?" I asked, pressing my face to her stomach.

"I know! I thought it was really fun enjoying those moments. Until then I was so serious, but the moment I reached near you I felt all the seriousness leaving me. I wanted to smile, laugh and be playful." She replied, brushing her fingers through my hair.

"Really?" I asked, moving my head to press a kiss on her stomach before pulling her down and kissing more.

"This is the reason." She suddenly said making me still.

"What?" I asked, moving my head to stare at her.

"I think you don't love me but just lust after me." She replied in a whisper and I immediately moved her away before standing up.

"You think that?" I asked, not able to hide the hurt.

"Yeah! I can't stop the thought." She replied, staring at me with helplessness.

"Fine! You go to sleep." I said, walking out and started walking towards the jeep.

"Andrew! I am sorry about that. And I am not saying that it is a wrong thing." She said coming towards the jeep after some time.

"Go and sleep, Olivia." I said, turning away in my seat and closed my eyes.

"Please! Come inside, Andrew." She said, pleading me and held my hands in hers, taking them away from my chest.

"You are freezing." She added, but I stayed silent.

"I will stay here only and will get froze along with you." After a few minutes she added, making me open my eyes to see her teeth clattering due to just a shirt to cover her from cold.

"Damn! I am sorry, Olivia." I said, getting down and lifted her in my arms before walking inside the hut.

"I should have thought about you." I added, shaking my head and placed her on the cot before lying beside her rubbing the hands and face.

"You are not angry at me anymore, right?" she asked shivering.

"No! You are worse than a crack head." I replied, hugging her to me and rubbed her back.

"My lips are very cold. Kiss me." She mumbled after a few minutes to which I chuckled and did as she wished before drifting off into sleep holding her tightly to me.

"From past two days I am eating this disgusting food. You should know that I really love you from that." I said, staring at another chips bag being opened by her.

"You saying that this is disgust food itself proves that you don't love me." She replied, shrugging making me stare at her with shock.

She burst out laughing looking at my face before crawling near to me and sat on my lap before kissing my cheeks.

"Are you trying to be cute?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"I am already cute. There is no need for me to try." She replied, winking to which I laughed before she started feeding me that yuck food.

"Olivia! I am lost with all the ideas. What should I do to make you believe? If I really don't love you then would I have kicked that Jack?" I suddenly blurted out that night pacing before her.

"What? Repeat that." She said, turning her attention away from the cool drink and stared at me with a frown.

"Actually, I hit Jack when he didn't accept to leave you alone. Then he immediately accepted and asked to be shifted to another college." I explained and she immediately stood up.

"See how weak, he is. To just a punch he left you? I would never do that." I said, shaking my head.

"So, you are the one behind this? Poor Jack!" she said with a worried face.

"You should worry only about me." I said, frowning at her to which she glared and started walking towards me with angry steps.

"You stupid!" she mumbled and suddenly held my face before pulling it down and kissed me.

"Wait! I would love to kiss you back. But if this is a goodbye kiss from your side because of your anger, then I would like to think of a plan to stop you from leaving here." I said moving back.

"I didn't know that you love me this much, Andrew. I am not saying goodbye at all." She said grinning at me.

"I am lost!" I mumbled blinking at her.

"You know I dated him to really forget you, but it pained me to know that you allowed me to. I was supposed to be yours, but still you let me date. So, I realized, or I thought my feelings as obsession because I threatened so many people. But now I know you are also the same like me. So, you really love me." She explained, releasing a breath of relief.

"So, I really love you?" I asked smiling at her.

"Yes!" she replied, laughing and I hugged her to myself.

"Wait! I need to call your Dad and Kevin and also Sam. They will be here. This is the detail they needed that we are together." I said smiling at her.

"Call them tomorrow." She said, stopping me.

"Why?" I asked her frowning.

"Because now I want you for myself." She replied.

"Ok! I just have another doubt." I said remembering something.

"What is it?" she asked frowning.

"What would you have done if you got to know about this Jack thing and I haven't even confessed my love?" I asked frowning.

"Then I would have given a big kiss and would have stalked behind you to accept my love no matter what." She replied so confidently that I couldn't help but kiss her immediately.

"I would have given anything to experience that." I mumbled over her lips.

"I don't want any of these talkings anymore. You have been teasing me too much from so many days." She said, shaking her head and held my hand to pull me towards the cot, but I halted her.

"I was teasing you? Who was wearing those shorts everyday? And who was doing exercises like so sexily? And who was wearing this?" I asked, staring at her.

"And who was hugging that Kevin all the time? Who got themselves a boyfriend?" I added while she blinked at me.

"It seems like you took all the needed revenge for me not waiting for you or something even though I don't know about you. I really should have known about you by some magic, then I might not have been tortured like this." I continued to talk.

"You will not be tortured anymore. Not even for a single day." She said, placing her hand over my mouth when I opened it to say something else.

"Then what are we standing here?" I asked, lifting her in my arms, making her laugh and threw her on the cot.

"I love you, Andrew." She whispered tugging my hair when I was busy kissing her throat.

"And I you, Olivia." I whispered on her throat.

"We really are crazy." She mumbled and I laughed glancing up to stare at her face nodding my head.


double surprise... just epilogue left...

how is the chap guys?

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