diggity darn

27 11 5

kay so last night was scream queens and bitch hella stuff happened so ofc i didn't go to sleep
and i told my mom to wake me up earlier than usual so i could shower
well i woke up at 5 and apparently none of my alarms went off and she didn't wake me up so i stg i boLTED INTO THE BATHROOM, STRIPPED FROM MY CLOTHES, AND HAD A 5 MINUTE SHOWER
i shouldn't be on my phone but fuCk it
also last night during scream queens my mom and i were talking and all of a sudden she started asking me about my crushes?
she asked me if i had "girly feelings for summer"?? first off fuk u mom did u just assume my gender i'll have u know i identify as the shower i slipped in this morning
and she kept asking
"what about kyra?"
"nO MOM"
"not even liv?"

"any....guy friends"
and yeah that's my mom :^)

also i always say i love you to everyone for some reason??
most of the time it's platonic but not always ((((;;;;;
but yes i need to go get ready

Mellifluous {rants}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt