Glass Girl

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A glass figure shatters her soul one last time,

all her love, everything has been broken, even her mind. 

Just a shell, a glass heart bare of emotion,

they made her this way, what once was a hot fire, is now a river frozen. 

Solid, yet oh so fragile, 

it looks like she is tired of this endless battle. 

So go ahead, push one last time.

She's already lost her mind.

The glass shatters in the night,

and with it the drowning of a pure light. 

You pushed, and she fell,

but you, you'll never tell.

Behind blue eyes and lies, you hid,

never did you let on to what you did.

You hit her, you broke her, finally pushed too hard,

you placed the wrong bets and played your last card. 

You pushed and your glass girl  shattered, 

but not that it really ever mattered.

To you, she was only an ornament, 

a beautiful glass trophy for winning a tournament. 

She was everything you couldn't be, 

pure and honest, she wanted to make you see.

Your anger outweighed her heart, 

and your hand smashed her glass figure apart. 

The glass girl shattered, as you drained her inner light. 

Now her glass is pitch black, dark as night;

you better run when you see this new sight,

no longer imprisoned inside a pure light shell,

now she's put back together from her inner hell. 

Darkness has made her glass into armor,

no longer pure, but an emotionless harbor.

You grow cold as you look into the eyes of the monster you made,

as she takes back her soul with a crimson blade. 

A glass girl no longer fragile and shattered,

instead now is a dark warrior, armor crimson splattered. 

In the darkness, she now calls her home,

a new place for her to hunt and roam.

Beware the wrath of a shattered soul,

for the pieces, you can't control. 

A glass girl no longer pushed too far, 

once shattered, now solid, she took all that you are. 

Inside My Head -Short poemsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant