Moving forward

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Moving forward throughout these days,

not quite sure where I'm going it's all covered in haze.  

Being pulled in fifty different directions, 

everyone keeps telling me to do this and that, but they never answer my questions. 

It's so frustrating! 

Not knowing what you want to do with your life,

knowing that every passing day is just causing more strife. 

I wish I was good at something, instead of a bunch of tiny little things. 

I'm living on a shoestring.  

Nothing peaks my interest anymore, everything is just so bland and gray. 

every day I'm sitting here like unmolded clay,

waiting, with baited breath for something, anything, to inspire me,

people, they just won't let it be. 

Always looking down on my choices, on what makes me happy. 

They don't understand! 

I wish I could do everything they tell me to do, to not be such a failure,

every day the burden on my back gets heavier. 

How I wish that I could do something, to make everything seem better. 

Instead, I sit and I write. 

Every night it's the same, staying awake typing until the morning light. 

Still, I get nowhere, and I'm stuck in the same place I was before. 

Moving forward, though I'm pulled in fifty directions. 

I still don't quite know where I'm going, but I know where I want to be. 

It took a while and a lot of pain for me to finally see. 

That I care too much and fight so little. 

It's time for me to raise my fists, and fight those who are pulling me to places I don't want to go. 

I'm tired of leaving everything up to chance, of that being the only thing I know. 

I'm moving forward my own two feet guiding me. 

Set above me is a sky full of stars that I can't wait to travel and see. 

Everything is being set into place,

a map of wonders is spread before my face. 

After all of the worry, the pain, and heartache of the past days. 

I'm going, leaving out into the bright sun's rays. 

I'm moving forward. Today. 

Inside My Head -Short poemsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora