Close Encounters

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Fuck!Like she needed that right now. Hello, jerk-face much? Screw that nonsense, she needed a shower, she needed to be alone, in a real shower; but she'd settle for feeling the sonic waves against her skin instead.
Two days, stuck with that asshole, she'd drown her head in the sand if she could find some. Down the short passageway, to a room that held three sonic showers, and two, well they were bathtubs, not that they had access to any hot water, or even water, for that matter. The sudden chill that ran past her as she opened the door, had the goose pimples popping up all over; but shortly after, she felt the warmth that followed, as the life support systems began their full power up. Half assed, had been better than nothing, but even that had gotten touchy; and she wondered if Tanin's mood would simmer down now that the air flow had stabilized.
"Kember?" She heard her name over the comm. "Kember?" He called to her again.
"Yeah?" She replied, holding the button on the tiny box next to the door.
"I fixed it!" He told her, and it would seem, he was in a better mood.
"Wonders never cease!" She grumbled back, and hit the button labeled mute.
She was going for a shower, the last thing she wanted, was to explain that to him. The less he knew, the better, and she locked the door to the shower room. The waves washed over her, and though she wished it was a real waterfall, the feel of the warmth against her sin, the tiny vibrations as the the imaginary bubbles popped along her arms and back; and the shudder she giggle through, as they began to slide lower.
This was as close to paradise as she was going to get at the moment, and she was savoring every minute of it. Running her hands up her stomach, cupping her naked breasts and holding them beneath the waves, sweeping over her nipples...
The lights flickered, then the sonic shower, became more like a sonic spritz,and she slammed her fists into the wall. "Dammit, Tanin!" She shouted, as if he could hear her through all those walls and storage compartments, and she shook her head. "All I want is..." She started again, but the sudden burst from the faucet overhead, had her shivering as the icy cold water hit her face.
"What the fuck?" She mumbled, huddled in a corner, drenched from head to toe. "Tanin?" She shouted again, trying very hard not to let the cold stream touch her.
It was a few moments before the stream turned to warm water, and flowed evenly as the bloody shower should have.Nice, warm water, actual water, which it seemed, Tanin had manged to get filtering again. Awesome, but a little warning would have been nice.
None the less, it was warm now, and the feel of the actual droplets against her shoulders, her back, running her hands through her long black hair...
Gods, it felt good, and she couldn't help but run her hands down her neck and across her chest, lower still, until her fingers found a more pleasurable spot to caress. It wasn't like she was cheating, she had no mate, no 'official' lover, and it felt so good; yet she felt so guilty. Wasn't that how it worked though? At least, that's what her mother had told her. 'One is not supposed to fully enjoy the solo encounters we embark on, the fullest of passions is saved for those who partake in the journey, together...'   Her way of saying that masturbating was fun, but sex, was way more fun.
Well, she couldn't have sex right now, could she? Nope. So, solo it was, and damn, it was good enough for her... until the door opened, which she didn't hear, and the sight of him dropping his towel as she turned around and he looked up...


"What do you mean, she's going with you?" Madrina let out, as Lync stood in the hall.
She sounded pissed, but not as pissed as he was, that he had to, yet again, leave his female behind. Fuck this was stupid. 'We will beheading out soon enough, the Order will not disregard a formal request!' Lady Ellaria had told them, and she had asked Malice to come along.
That, was what had angered Madrina, and that was exactly what her and her mother were arguing about at that very moment. Madrina did not like the Valkyrie.
"She is essential to the task at hand."
"Why not take Zahara with you?" Madrina went on, and Lync just shook his head.
"Because Zahara has other things to tend to, Madrina! Nissa is my right hand, and the Valkyrie can see through the charades the Order will play..."
"He is my mate! Do I not get a say? Must I allow my male to flock about with what he refers to, as 'Legs, with wings...'? I'm just supposed to let this happen?"
Lady Ellaria could barely contain herself, having to hold her hand over her lips, so as not to smile. "She does have nice legs!" She finally let out, and then started in with the giggles.
"Bloody hell, Mother!" Madrina burst out. "Have you no idea what this means to me? To hand him over to a fox like that? Like handing a piece of meat to a butcher..."
"Malice is no butcher, Madrina, she is one of the oldest, most trusted of the Valkyrie, and there is much you need to learn about your mate, if you think he would toss away your happiness so easily."
"He drools over her!"
"And yet, it is your bed he goes to at night, your smile he covets, your eyes he wishes to see, the moment he wakes up!"Her mother smiled at her, and Lync had to admit, the Angel was a little 'Oh Malice...' but seriously, his female was all that ran through his mind.
Now, how the fuck did Lync know that?That was just one of the questions running through his mind, as he stood outside in the hall. That, and who the fuck was he? Where was he from? When was his female going to wake up?
"She would sooner fall to your lips, than his, Madrina! Seriously, if it will calm your nerves!"
"So she's a lesbian?"
"She is over twelve thousand years old, there is no putting a title on what she is!" Lady Ellaria laughed one last time, and made her way to the door. "Nissa and Malice, will accompany me to see the Order." And she left the room. "Come along!" She smiled at Lync as she passed, and a minute later, Madrina was by his side.
"You heard all of that, I assume?"
"Uh, it was hard not to!" He admitted and hung his head.
"You keep those legs away from my mate, and I will personally see you and your female to safety when this is over!" Madrina grinned at him, and let him goon his way. "And I don't break my promises!"
"It won't be hard!" Lync chuckled, "He doesn't stray too far!"
Catching up to Lady Ellaria, he slowed his pace, and followed her down another hall.
"You know where we are going?" She asked him, as he took care not to step on her white gown.
"I've been there once or twice, but they never answered her. It almost drove her crazy!"
"They will not disobey a direct order from the council, not if they want to remain neutral in this verse."Another voice joined them, and Nissa appeared at their side. "They came here to get away from the others, or so they say, and the council allowed them to stay!"
"But they travel through space, and time! They can just, up and leave!" Lync replied.
"No, they can't! They need to rest after each journey, which is why Navina is, the way she is now. A full resting requires a full days meditation, which she wouldn't remember as they fucked with her memories..."
"So she's running on low?" Nyx cut in, as he too, appeared beside them. "Needs to recharge? Do we plug her in?"
"Sort of!" Nissa laughed, "We just don't know how they do it, and we need one of them to show us how!"
"And why now? Why hasn't this happened before?"
"That, we do not know!" Lady Ellaria sighed, "But, we will, find out." She assured him, and turned to Nyx. "Has there been any word on Kember?"
"We've located the shuttle they took, but it's scattered across a quarter of Pentar. Then, there's talk on Samo'san, that a half dozen fighters had chased down a rogue ship, clipped their drive just as they jumped..."
"And you think it washer?" The Lady inquired
"You will, find her!" Lync glared at the Demon.
"Easy there, Turbo!" Nissa reminded him, and then again, placing his hand on Lync's shoulder. "He's on our side, remember?"
"That's what I thought last time!"He growled.
"Children, please?" Lady Ellaria shook her head, "Find out what you can, and bring Kember home! It's bad enough Euphamia hates me, but Madrina too..."
"Uh, Mia,doesn't hate you..." Nyx cut in, but he was already in that awkward situation where he, had already heard what was said; in his mind, it was the noble thing to do. "... she just, I don't know, hates some of the choices you make!"
"They are mine, to make! As it was her choice, to mate with a Demon..." She cocked a brow a him, "Twice!"
Malice let out a giggle, and Lady Ellaria turned towards her, "I knew you'd, find that funny!" And she walked away shaking her head. "Half an hour, and we leave for Kin'Per! I must check on Marena before we go!"
"Yes, my Lady!" Came out in unison, and Nyx and Nissa bowed heir heads.
 Who, the hell, was Marena?

Legends - A Devil's Daughters Crossover - Book One (Published)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat