Sweet Summer Nights

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"You mean, the blonde female?" Lync piped in, grabbing a tablet from a nearby console, and running his fingers across the screen.
"What is with you and that blonde warrior?" Navina laughed,having mentioned nothing of blonde hair.
"She's the only mind fuck I've ever seen!" He glared at her, and then popped a berry into his mouth.
How had they even gotten on this topic? Weren't they supposed to be discussing the issue at hand? You know, the whole ships attacking business?
"Mind fuck?" Kember let out, her eyes trained on the male named Kion.
"It's one of the memories. Some warrior who comes to visit those on the verge of death..." Navina started, but Lync cut her off.
"She was there! You even said you saw her? Said her name was Mal!" He reminded her.
True, but that was not the female in question.
"What memories?" Kion's voice was smooth and filled with an ego that drove Navina mad.
She wasn't going to say anything, but Kember seemed to have left the flood gates open and the things she was telling him...
"She doesn't remember everything, they're more like stories! They come to her like dreams and she writes them down in a journal..."
Wow! Miss Chatterbox! Would she like to tell him all about the Order as well? Or how about the fact that she could be killed for half the things she was saying? If the Order happened to be listening that is, and not that any normal person would believe what they were hearing.
"Stories, eh?" The male chuckled.
"More like fairy tales! Myths and legends of old!" Navina sighed.
"Kember has a wild imagination..."Lync jumped in, " Navina's Grandmother was a story teller, and she remembers those stories in her dreams!" he added, glaring at the Witch.
She was hardly paying attention, as if the Kalvashian had her under some sort of spell. She was mesmerized by him, captivated by every word he spoke, just waiting for him to glance upon her like a love sick pup. Wow! No wonder she was all "I'll tell you everything!" She was hooked.
"I've never turned down a good story!" Kion smiled, and sat down at one of the consoles across from her.
Well great! They had gone from "Hi, how are you feeling?" to "Dr. Terran who? There is no Dr. Terran here!" to "Tell me all your dreams and secrets!"
Lovely conversation, but so not happening!
"She has tons of stories! From alien monsters to majestic beings, and even a few of the naughtier variety!"
"Kember?" Navina shot out. "He doesn't want to here any of those! The male's a dignified member of authority, not some rift raft low life you picked up in a bar!"
"Well, she did kind of find me at a bar!" Kion chuckled again. "And since the Myro City space port is two days away..."
"Tell us a story, Vina! Pretty please?" Kember grinned, "How about that one with that female? Khia, was her name, I think?"
"Khia?"Kion inquired, "Such a beautiful name, like Kember!" He smiled at her friend, and she watched as Kember's eyes lit up.
Oh this way bad! Real bad!
What had happened to 'I'll never date another male! I'd rather lay with a female, at least their hearts are worthy; and they know all the moves!'  Had Kember forgotten about her last rant? How the male named Alcarn had torn her heart to pieces?
"Please, Vina?" Her friend whined again, and she couldn't help but laugh.
"Why Khia?"Navina asked, and then laughed again.
"Yes, why Khia?" Kion inquired also. "What is so special about this one?"
"That's the one she wants to live the most!" Lync chucked. "Out of all of them, that's the world she craves."
It was a good thing, neither Navina or Kember knew where it was, or when. It was just a memory she shared with her bloodline, but it was out there somewhere; and she was glad that Kion, was completely unawares of that fact.
"It's so... carnal!" Kember laughed. "To live in a world where the males reign over their great cities, but the females reign supreme..."
Mir'Kion couldn't help but let out a small grin, as Navina described what she would do if she had a chance to be Khia.
"So, tell me of this Khia, Vina!" Kion sat back in his chair.
"Khia, came from the Isles. A place so lush and dense, with temples and wild forests as far as she could see, brushing up against the sweet shores of the sea."
"Sounds delightful!" Kion sighed, and urged her to continue.
"It was said her people lived and loved from the land, that they held their Gods close, and their royal blood lines even closer; but none were above trade, when it meant the safety of the villages."
"Their chiefs were smart!" Kion chuckled, waving to one of his males for a drink.
"What was good for he village, was not always good for those who were sacrificed for said village!" Navina replied.
"Sacrificed? I thought you said this was naughty tale?" The male turned to Kember, "What kind of kinky shit includes a sacrifice?"
"In order to keep the savage warriors from across the seas at bay, the chiefs from all the villages had to pay a price." Kember told him.
"Which was?" He glared at her, clearly not liking this tale already.
"When the warriors arrived each season, those who were captured in the forests or by the shores, were simply loaded onto their ships, setting sale for far off lands." Navina went on. "Such is what happened in Khia's case." Lync grumbled.
"But Khia was not some average female!" Kember added, sliding closer to Kion.
"What was she?" Kion seemed intrigued now, and yet there was still a hint of horror in his voice.
"One of the Chief's daughters!" Lync cut in, finding a seat beside Navina.
The monitors hummed all around them, the war room on Mir'Kion's vessel was more like the real thing than anywhere else. Long wooden table in the center of the room, chairs all about, some facing the table, some facing consoles and monitors; and others that did both. There was a giant view screen at far back of the room, and a built in bar for those, more intense altercations that required an increased awareness of how absolutely fucked up the universe really was...
Sorry, was she spacing out again?
Wasn't hard, considering Kember had taken over the story telling, and Kion was so wrapped up in the details...
  Figures, being a spy and all!
She felt the nudge and looked up, gazing into those dark emerald eyes, "You okay?"
"Just a little tired!" She replied, "But 'm good!" She finished with a smile, as Kember went on.
"She was sold to the slavers market, a horrid place filled with lost souls, and she spent, what? A year, Vina?" Kember asked, and Navina nodded her head, leaning back against Lync's chest.
"The warrior's sold her?"
"Yup!" Navina replied, again nodding her head.
"Bastards!" Kion let out, shaking his head.
"But she was one of the lucky ones, sort of!"
"How can one be, sort of lucky?" Kion seemed confused, scratching at his long dark hair.
"She was sold to a male, whom wanted her to follow in his footsteps, as his kin!" Kember grinned, "She was to be his daughter and be tutored in all the ways of the new world, so that one day, she could inherit his estate!"
"Seriously?" His mouth hung open, from tribes to riches!" He added with a laugh.
"Yes, but..." Navin acut in, "There was one stipulation..."
"And one, very big problem!" Lync laughed, and then let out a long sigh. "Shit, that female..."
"The blonde one?" Kion inquired, just as he had heard Lync before, and then chuckled.
"Fuck! But no!" Lync replied, and shook his head. "No, Khia! She was cursed my friend! All her people were."
"I wouldn't call it cursed!" Kember grinned.
"What would you call it then?" Kion grinned back at her.
"She was cursed!" Lync laughed, "Her people, males and females, well they went through this sort of, phase, during the summer months."
"Okay?" Kion waited impatiently for more.
Such the little detective he was, always needing answers.
   Well, Navina needed answers too, except, the Order was never going to give her any. She got to sit here, and wait for the latest vision, or lost memory to surface.
"The summer's sunsets brought upon an intense carnal hunger, one that is said to covet only one thing, the sinful inhibitions of a lover." Kember practically whimpered.
"They went sex crazy!" Lync howled. "Every night when the sun started to set, those who were old enough, would join in the mass celebration, a way of worshiping their Gods with one that was chosen for them."
"Could you imagine? Being driven to do nothing but...?" Kember giggled.
"Except when you need to find a suitable husband, and the hunger drives you right into the arms of a madman!" Lync reminded Kember.
"What? Who?" Kion was lost, but still very interested in what was going on.
"Khia's new Father was dying, poisoned, we think, by the madman who wanted Khia for himself. He gets her too! The need makes her crazy, sick with hunger, and the madman uses it against her, only giving in to what she wants if she marries him; and only, after the vows had been spoken." Lync sighed. "A real asshole, I tell you!"
"A summer of sin, with a madman?" Kion let out, "I don't know..."
"But a summer of sin, Kion? Could you imagine the things you would feel?" Kember let out, "All the new experiences she gets to explore..."
"You mean like meeting his parents? Or his brother? You're telling me, that you would like to be thrown into the madman's lair, surrounded by incestuous behavior, and become entwined in a relationship where lust and lies are more important than love and loyalty?"
"Khia was loyal!" Kember let out.
"You forget the mate!" Lync laughed.
"Kordahn? He was so far away, and she had  been taken from him! it wasn't her fault! So, that wasn't cheating, that was surviving!"
"With the madman?" Lync glared at her.
"Yes! She did what she had to, to survive!" Kember replied with a huff.
"And his brother? And sister? And didn't she fuck his Father too?" Lyn howled again.
"That's not the point!" Kember grumbled.
"Oh, it so is" Lync teased, "I swear, the female turned out to be the cities biggest Madame in the end..."
"And she gets Kordahn back! Sort of!" Kember grinned.
"Wow! And your Grandmother told you this tale?" Kion was beyond surprised.
"Among others!" Navina admitted.
"You should see her book!" Kember snorted, reaching into her cloak for the flask she carried everywhere.
"I wish I could see the book!" Navina sighed, "It's back on that planet!"
"Awww, no!" Kember whined, "That sucks."
"Please, don't remind me!" Navina hung her head, "Three years worth of stories, gone!"
"You sure?" Kion inquired, "Was your apartment complex destroyed?"
"No idea!" Lync replied, "We were downtown when the ships appeared, and from there, we came straight for Kember."
"So, it could still be there?"
"If the place still stands!" Navina shook her head, "And those beasts were moving pretty fast! I've seen what they can..." She stopped short, and instantly started scolding herself mentally.
What the hell? Just go ahead and tell him everything why don't you!
"You've seen the Insidians before?" Kion inquired with a stern look on his face.
"Well, not them exactly, but I've heard my Grandmother's stories, and from what I can figure, they're the same, and they're not even close to being done with our world!" Navina replied.
Had he bought it? Or was he still searching for more? The guy was a detective, of course he wanted more; he practically needed more.
And Lync thought Khia had had problems, please! Navina would have killed for a sex crazed madman over a Kalvashian detective lurking for answers she just didn't have. "Hello, Mr. Madman, I'm right over here!" Yes, so much easier.
"So you think they will destroy the entire city!" Kion asked, as if taking mental notes.
"I know nothing! I just see things that relate to those stupid stories!" She shook her head, and tried to rise from her seat. " I need a drink!"
"Please? Allow me?" He offered, picking up a bottle of an amber colored liquid.
"Pretty sure I saw some of that in my suite, but thanks!" She smiled, "Come wake me when we land!" She added, and made for the door.
"Hold up there, Sunshine! I'll come with you!" Lync smiled, and held out his arm.
Such a gentleman he was, and as they walked the passageways, completely lost, and not even caring, she felt amazing, and he was on a roll.
"So, if we were to head towards Vash..." He beamed, "I know they say it's a dead zone, but I've heard rumors that that was just a cover up, and that they're building some new advanced army there! Guns, Vina, we could blow things up!"
"You been drinking?" She giggled, and lay her head on his shoulder as they turned the corner.
"Maybe just a little!" He admitted, hissing the top of her head. "Just ignore the stupid stuff!" He added, and she giggled again.
"Always do, Babe!" She assured him, and let him continue on his little journey.
"We could get Kion to take us there, or lend us one of those little space pods he has in the hanger bay..."
It sounded like a good plan, head for Vash, hope to the Gods it wasn't a total wasteland as was stated, and perhaps join this new army he was talking about, if that is, they could get there in one piece. Who knew how many of those Insidian ships were out there, not to mention anyone else that could be lurking in the dark recesses of space. She was a traveler, who hadn't done very much traveling, and she could only remember a portion of what she...
'Your job, is to remember!'
Yeah, because that was going to be so easy.
"...and then we could take off! Just the two of us!"
"And go where?"She blurted out, taken totally off guard.
"Anywhere! Weren't you listening? We take the maps, and enough ammo to get us through, hop on one of their fancy ships and disappear! We could even try and find that place for Kember!" He grinned wildly.
"Khia's planet?"
"You said yourself you saw it in a dream, and all your dreams come from one memory or another..."
"I wouldn't even know where to start, Lync! There is so much I can't remember, so many places..." She stopped for a moment, "And I know you can't remember your past either, but there are things in my head, some beautiful, and some vile. I never see my own face, or hair, it's like I'm watching through someone's eyes, but I don't know if that someone is me, or one of them."
"I get it!" He smiled, and kissed her forehead again, "I really do, Vina, but maybe, if you try and find some of these places, you'll remember more! And what better place to start than Vash? At leas we know where it is!"
"It's forbidden, Lync!" She reminded him, "The planet's surface is dangerous!"
"So they say!" He grinned at her, and pull her before him. "Do you trust me?"
"Always!" She replied, letting his lips touch hers, the kiss itself, hot enough to burn, and yet the burn felt so good. "But, I can think of another place that I would like to take you..."
"Wicked, I tell you!" He laughed, and let her lead him by the hand.


"So I guess this is home, for now!" She mumbled, as the lights came on and the room was laid out in the brightness before her as she entered the suit and kicked her shoes off. "I need a shower, and we gotta kill those lights."
Instantly, the lights dimmed.
"Did you do that?" Lync asked, looking puzzled as he removed his leather jacket and tossed it onto a nearby chair.
"Nope!" She grinned at him, watching him sink deeper into confusion.
"Then, who did? Cause it wasn't me!"
"They have minds of their own!"
And there was his "Yes, that makes a whole lot of sense ,because lights can do that!" face. Followed by a head shake and along, drawn out sigh. Typical Lync, she often wondered just how far that sarcastic streak of his would run, if he ever let it just go.That, was not Lync though. The male was too proud, too consumed with what others thought, to ever let himself lose control like that; but the faces he made.... Priceless.
"Anyhow, you said something about a shower?" He grinned at her, sliding his hands though his hair and she caught that sinful glint in his eyes. "And something about a curse? Pretty sure it's summer somewhere!"
"Here and now?" She teased, biting at her bottom lip.
"You're doing it again!" He growled, and she could see his muscles straining against his will to remain put.
"Doing what?" Her smile grew wider as she took a few steps back and let her own jacket hit the floor.
"Don't play games, Vina, you know what that does to me!" His growl deepened, and the green in his eyes flashed brighter and brighter, "And you're already in a heap of trouble..."
Damn, he was so fine, and all hers. She was about to start questioning the Gods, or any other entities for that matter, there was no jinxing what they had going on.
"I'm sorry..."She started to reply, getting ready to run towards the bathroom, but her words were cut off as the door chimed and Kion's voice came from the hall.
"Uh, Lync?"
"Fuck, me!" He groaned under his breath, "Yeah?" He called back, giving Navia the chance she needed to get to the bathroom and lock the door. Followed by a"SHIT!" as he heard the lock click into place.
The mumbling continued as the footsteps made their way to the door, and she could just imagine what he was saying; something along the lines of "That self-centered son of a bitch, banging on the door when I'm..." and "Just wait till I get in there, she is going to..."
"WHAT?" She heard the loud thud, as Lync had punched the wall? Or had he kicked it? Either way, her male, was pissed. "What the fuck for? When?"
More mumbling, followed by another thud, and a "For Fucks Sake, VINA?"
Had something happened? Or was this a ploy to get her to unlock the door?
"Vina? Kember's gone A.W.O.L!"
If it was a ploy, it was not a very nice one. If not, and Kember had taken off on her own.... FUCK!
"You better not be fucking lying!" She grumbled, and opened the bathroom door. "What the hell is going on?"
In front of her,stood Lync, Kion, and some male dressed in a black uniform.
"What did she do?" Navina sighed, readying herself for a downpour.
"She's taken one of his shuttles for starters!" Lync grumbled, running his hand through his hair.
"The flight plan shows she's heading back..."
"Home? Are you kidding me? Why?" Navina let out, what the hell was Kember think... Shit!
"She wanted to find that book of yours!" Kion sighed, and shook his head. "It's my fault, I told her how disappointed I was that it was lost, and argued with her for her to stay! I thought I'd won, and when I woke up a few hours later..."
"She took the transport shuttle out of bay two, using Mir'Kion's card, we logged it as a private trip and downloaded the flight plan as per regulations! It wasn't until after, we realized that the Commander was not on board the shuttle, but in fact, still in his room!" The male in black, with long white hair and an ear full of metal, told them all, and hung his head. "We tried to track her, but we cannot locate the shuttle."
"Didn't your males see that it wasn't you? Couldn't they tell the difference between blue skin and a dark olive?" Navina was pissed as she reached, once again, for the dresser drawers.
One had to be dressed to go on a rescue mission, and that's, what this was now, a rescue mission; and she'd turn he damn ship around herself if she had too. What the hell was she thinking? The book wasn't even that important. Just a book, where Navina had written down what she saw in her dreams, stories that could have been re written...
"We have people going over the security feeds, as there was no one on shift in bay two at that time!" The male in black had a look of guilt written across his face, and good, he deserved it.
Who the hell leaves a docking bay unmanned? On a ship like this? With so many, extras, as that was what she was calling them now, were they not supposed to be doing their jobs? She hated the word, slaves. Indentured servant was no better. Extras, it was the only thing that fit, and if they were to serve Kion's family, then why hadn't they been serving, when Kember had taken the shuttle?
Kion and the male continued to chatter back and forth with Lync, as Navina moved about the room. There had to be something in here that she could wear, the closets were filled with black leggings and tank tops, a leather trench coat and a few pair of killer black boots. Whoever had occupied this room before she did, damn, did they have a feel for the good stuff; and although she hated just taking things, she was going to need a change of clothes if she was going back to find Kember.
"What are you doing?" Lync's voice startled her, and she dropped the leggings in her hand.
"Getting ready!" She replied, and then looked up at him. "You can't tell me, that you just heard all that, and didn't instantly think rescue mission?"
"Considering I heard about it before you did, I beat you to it!" He grinned, but then it fell from his face. "But we can't go anywhere near that planet, it's a dead zone now!"
"But what about Kember?" She started, but another male appeared in the room, dressed in black with long white hair, same as his partner, but the stripes were missing from his shoulder.
The male leaned in towards Kion, and the look on Kion's face told her something was up.
"They've found something on the security feed!" He told them,and then turned to exit the room. "It seems she was not alone in her efforts!" And with that, he was gone.
"What the hell? She wasn't alone in her efforts? Who the hell did she take with her?" Navina blurted out, shocked that Kember would leave in the first place, let alone take someone with her.
"Guess we better find out!" Lync sighed, pawing at her shirt.
"Sorry, Babe!" She stood up on her toes and kissed his nose. "But duty calls!" She giggled, kissed him again, grabbing the leggings off the floor and heading to the bathroom.

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