Chapter 7

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Chapter 7.
Adam groaned as pain returned to his head while cracking his eyes open as he heard a woman's voice yell.
"Donald! Donald, he's awake!"
"Tasha...don't yell." He whimpered as he heard Tasha apologize before Donald came in.
"How are you feeling?"
"My head hurts. Other then that, I'm ok." Adam smiled reassuringly as he sat up.
"Good. Adam, we need you to break down that door so we can get to your siblings. Where are they?"
"Chase is in the hospital on fourth street, while Bree and Leo are at the hurricane shelter at Lincoln High School."
"What happened to Chase?"
"On the mission. He was saving a little girl, but didn't make it out in time. He broke his leg and swallowed five pieces of glass." Adam stood up and pried open the doors as the trio ran to Donald's car.
Donald slowly started driving while Adam fell asleep in the back again. He woke up when they were at the school and immediately found Leo and Bree.
"Leo! What happened?" Tasha asked.
"I'm ok, mom." Leo smiled.
"I'm ok too, thanks for asking." Bree rolled her eyes in annoyance before Donald hugged her.
"Chase and Douglas are still at the hospital, did you check on them?" Leo asked.
"Douglas?!" Donald yelled as he stomped out of the building as Bree went to follow them before Tasha grabbed her arm.
"Let the teenager go. We've all had a long day and need some rest." Tasha smiled as she got a few more beds, Bree and Leo falling asleep immediately.
"Adam, get some sleep. You need it."
"I'm still worried about Chase. What if he isn't ok?"
"He'll be ok. I promise." Tasha smiled as she squeezed Adam's hand and kissed his forehead. "Now, go to sleep."
Adam nodded before falling into his usual dream of riding gerbils.

Epilogue coming soon...
I have good news and bad news.
Good news, my new friend Nthgbutlb posted a new story and I HIGHLY recommend it!
Bad news, something happened to one of my best friends, labratsfanforever, and her family needs prayer right now.
Over and out.

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