Chapter 2

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Chapter 2.

"Alright. That's everyone." Bree said, wiping the sweat off her forehead as her hair blew straight in Adam's face due to the wind.

"Eww! Your hair is disgusting! But it smells AMAZING."

"Gross." Bree mumbled, grabbing her hair before realizing. "Where's Chase?"

"He probably left so he could keep your hair out of his face."

"No, he wouldn't leave the mission. He must be trapped!" Bree yelled. "When was the last time you saw him?"

"Near that house." Adam explained, realizing it was time to be serious as they ran to it and arm a started lifting the large pieces of rubble while Bree grabbed the smaller till Adam saw Chase's foot.

"I found a shoe!" He happily exclaimed as they uncovered Chase, covered in blood, bruises and scratches.

"Oh my gosh...Adam, pick him up." She mumbled as he slid his hands under him just as the wind picked up. "We need to find shelter!"

"There!" Adam yelled, pointing to a police station that was in somewhat decent condition.

"Good idea. The cell shouldn't have any windows anyway!" Bree then grabbed onto Adam and they ran into the small cell as they huddled together while laying Chase down on the ground, Bree checking his pulse.

"I found it, weak, but there. We need to get some medical help." She explained as she turned a little, Adam seeing a large mark on her arm.

"Bree, you're hurt."

"It's nothing compared to Chase. Besides, it's mostly stopped bleeding." She explained as Adam ripped off the sleeve off of his mission suit and tied it around Bree's arm.

"Thanks." She smiled.

"Your welcome." Adam smiled back just as Chase started coughing and chocking, Bree propping him against her body before a piece of glass came out, Adam picking it up as it was covered in blood.

"This kid knows how to make stained glass easy. Can he make purple though?"

"Adam! This is not funny! We have no idea if Tasha, Mr. Davenport and Leo have survived the storm, Chase is close to death and you are making jokes?!"

"Bree, I-"

"It's gone. Everything is gone." She cried before burying her head into his shoulder before he uttered words of pure genius.

"No. We're together. And we WILL find them."

She then fell asleep against her older brother's shoulder as he sighed, completely unsure what to do if Chase had swallowed anymore glass or what the piece he did swallow cut on the inside. He sighed as he placed his gloved hand on his forehead, immediately feeling a slight decrease in his temperature, holding him close in order to warm him up before he heard something.

"Do you guys need help?!"

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