Chapter 3

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Chapter 3.
Adam looked up to see his uncle as he pulled Chase and Bree closer.
"What do you want?!"
"I came to get you three out of this hurricane and get some help!"
Adam slowly stood up as he started waking up Bree while Douglas came to get them out.
"Bree, wake up."
"I know. Let's get out of this weather, kay?" Adam suggested as he picked her up before noticing how cold she felt, getting Douglas to feel as well, making him say.
"She's really cold, I hope she won't catch something."
Before picking up Chase who coughed up another piece of glass.
"Ok, he needs a doctor as soon as possible. The hospital a little ways down is mostly fine and most of the staff is still there." He explained, putting him in his car, Adam and Bree climbing in as well as they started driving, Bree fully awake and aware now as she asked.
"Douglas? Do you know where Leo, Tasha and Mr. Davenport might be? Leo was at the school and Tasha and Mr. Davenport were in the lab."
"No I don't. The lab might still be in tact, but the school is COMPLETELY destroyed."
"So Leo m-might be..." Bree asked before sobbing onto Adam just as they pulled in front of the hospital.
"I'll tell someone about Chase and ask if anyone set up a storm shelter." He explained, shutting the door.
"Adam? Is there any chance they may be alive?"
"Bree, look at me. You need to be positive. Ok? Everything will work out, even if it's not the way we expect."
Bree nodded, thinking the situation had been affecting his brain as Douglas came out, along with two paramedics came in, wheeling a stretcher as they pulled Chase out of the car before wheeling him in as Douglas got back in.
"So we're just gonna leave him?!" Adam yelled.
"No! The receptionist said the hurricane shelter is a little ways away. I'm gonna drop you two off, see if you can find the rest of them, and I'll go back to the hospital, tell you when we get some news on Chase. Do you guys still have your phones?"
While Adam shook his head, Bree nodded as she gave Douglas her number.
"Ok, I'll text you then. You text me if you find out anything about Donnie or the others." Douglas explained as he stopped at the shelter, which was actually the school that Owen had transferred to as they stopped outside, Adam and Bree stepped out.
"Thanks Douglas." Adam smiled.
"Yeah. You saved our lives. Is there anyway we can repay you?"
"Stay safe." He smiled before closing the window and driving off.
"Now." Adam said, slinging his arm over his sister's shoulder. "Let's find our family."

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