Chapter 4

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Chapter 4.
Adam and Bree walked into the shelter, Bree getting upset as she saw several people she knew before squeezing Adam's hand, Adam squeezing it back.
"Don't worry, we'll find them." He whispered as they continued looking before a woman came over to them.
"Can I help you?"
"Yes. We're looking for our family." Adam told her.
"Leo Dooley, Tasha Davenport and Donald Davenport." Bree replied.
"Well, no Davenport's, but there is a Dooley. He's over there." The woman replied, referring to a battered up Leo.
Adam and Bree ran over to him as Bree hugged him, Leo's face lighting up like fireworks.
"You guys are ok!"
"So are you!" Bree yelled.
"Where are mom, Big D and Chase?" Leo asked.
"Chase is at the hospital, and we don't know where Mr. Davenport or Tasha are." Adam replied.
Leo nodded before Bree asked.
"So what happened to you?"
"Oh. We were all in Perry's office and her desk fell on me. Luckily, it wasn't that bad, I just needed some stitches. What about you guys?"
"We were saving people on main street when Chase was crushed by a house, and I scraped my arm, so Adam had the idea to seek shelter in the police station, and then Douglas showed up, taking Chase to the hospital and brought us here."
"Wow. Sounds pretty bad."
"Yeah. Tasha and Davenport are still missing, and we are waiting on a update on Chase."
Right as Adam said that, the little bleep went off from Bree's phone as she opened it.
"Did we win a sweepstakes?!" Adam asked excitedly.
"No, it's a update on Chase. They said he swallowed a few more pieces of glass then he coughed up, and while two are going through his digestive system fine, one is lodged in his stomach, so they are gonna operate and get it out." Bree explained as Adam stood up, Leo asking.
"Where are you going?"
"It's useless to stay here. I'm gonna go find Tasha and Mr. Davenport."
"Adam, we are all worried about them, but the safest thing we can do is stay here." Bree told him.
"I still need to find them." He then left, leaving Bree and Leo behind.
Hope you guys liked it!
Over and out.

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